Well, you never said they walked alone or that they were unarmed. So my main protagonist would yell commands to his soldiers and organize a proper defense. If he was alone and unarmed he would say: "There are worse ways to go." or "Gah, the smell!" or "Alright, what deity did I piss off this time." Or if I'm going to be honest, he wouldn't say a word. He'd try to find a way out of the situation until his very last breath. The protagonist of my current work would probably yell in an ecstatic delight: "More sinners for the pit!" He would then proceed to a joyous dance with the undead.
*Throws a full bottle of perscription meds at the army of zombies. Watches it disappear into the eye socket of the dead girl on the left.*
Samuel: "These flash mobs are getting out of hand. I get the make up, but why do they have to smell?" Caitlynn: "...This is new..."
Krug: NINA, sheilds up and forge me a hammer. NINA: Krug, the appropriate weapon would be... Krug: A hammer, I know. That's why I said hammer. NINA: Sigh...
Mikhail: "I just bought this shirt, not a single smudge or there will be dire consequences." *Fully expects the zombies to comprehend his threats as they are obviously true.*
This story has three main POV characters, but I'll include just two of them. Since I'm new to writing prompts, I hope I'm not breaking too many rules by embedding the one-liners into a bit of narration (since I'm no good with the **-thing). If I am committing all the cardinal sins by doing that, I offer my humblest apologies, though I must confess it was fun writing this scenario: Lise came to a jarring halt, frozen for the moment it took for her brain to accept that for all her efforts, she had just stumbled from one disaster into another. Again. Hurt by the universe's apparent desire to kill her, she sighed. "Oh, jävlar." Reggie's rifle barrel appeared in her periphery, the Lieutenant already adjusted to the situation; the perfect bastard. "No time for that now, Private, stop moping and start shooting." The first zombie heads exploded when the .308 rounds punched through their skulls, but where one fell, two more took its place. Leapfrogging down the street with Reggie's lead, Lise realized too late they had been driven into a dead-end. Outwitted by zombies. Oh, jävlar...
1.)Badger: Wolfie dear? You take care of this, I have an appointment in 10. *walks calmly away*. 2.) Badger: Jesus Christ. This is why cremation is a good idea.
I have a few randoms from different worlds. The RP bunch are probably the most fun. Samael: No, you idiots, I said kill him, not me. Nate: *sigh* Again? Nyx: *tilts her head and raises an eyebrow* Don't bite the hand that feeds you, honey. *summons her spectral scythe, SoulEater, and mows them down* And then the MC from the novel I'm presently working on. Bane: *mutters under his breath* Fucking undead. *changes to his feline form and tears them to shreds*
"Are you f***ing kidding me!?" or "Now I'm gonna be late..." or "MOM!!! MOM!!! MY ROOM IS FULL OF ZOMBIES!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!" or "I knew I should've taken that left turn at Albuquerque"... oh no, wait, that's Bugs Bunny...
*Sees zombies approaching.* "What an accurate representation of what the common man has become; bodies trudging aimlessly through life merely trying to assuage their most base desires, all the while utterly unaware of how pitiful their lives are. Their―" *Gets eaten by zombies mid-speech.*