The science of dissecting the vomit of your grandfather in order to clone all your relatives. Thungaria
A rare disease only carried by hobos who travel on the parts of trains that carry radioactive government weapons, Zyzzafryzzia
A advanced kind of schizoprenia wherein one has another personality of a tomato-flavoured potato chip. Contracted by eating too many tomatos. And chips. Endiermorlorsianity
I knew mental disorder only found in teenage males who think that every time the get to the end of the street the world is going to come to an end so they hide away in their homes and never leave and can only be cured by them getting their left foot chopped off. Mijikiretrtyerb
farglahoop - a new ball game where you have to throw a medicine ball through a glass hoop without breaking the hoop...veru impossible by the way. tironomony
Tehdigbvsi - an automatic shovel for council workers with a wierd name so that they sound really important and complicated. Juhterfewsa