Hasaganagawaga - an exotic, brightly colored fish that is found in the shallow waters off the western coast of Africa Noapeni
Saxcyha: A chitinous sensory organ of the rare Mottled Cicada that has evolved to detect trace scents of blueberry pie in the air. Bournidoth
Bournidoth - The name of an mythical priestess from one of Earth's ancient religions, said to be the true origin of the modern name "Bernadette" Arshiarth
Arshiarth - a rare poison, exctracted from the Elenedar Flower that is known for growing at high altitudes amongst the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Seellacher
Seellacher- a German dish which consists of fish, seaweeds, potatoes, celery, couliflower and carrots. Ernwit
(aahhh... didn't even think about that.... sandwich) Zingo- the same as bingo. The only difference is that they win food instead of money. Kiptotta
Jijeeka - native terminology referring to the anatomical region commonly known as neck, specifically the eighth through ninety-sixth vertebrae of the ocular spinal column. grapenjist
Derijean - An ocean in the north (named after the submerged Derijean empire) where countless sailors over the years have reportedly seen mysterious wraith-like figures hovering around their sleeping shipmates. Adlai'vidali
Adlai'vidali - Latin chant not commonly used among members of the clergy. Glacticate (this one might not be a noun)
Aberysynth: A type of synthesizer manufactured in Abery, a town in the Midwestern United States that meant to call itself "Avery" but screwed up the spelling. Fonesta