LOL...and I was going to make a comment on that as well! Had me chuckling, for sure! Interesting conversation. The idea of coming up with a new verb to explain ESP conversations. Brilliant, and it certainly wouldn't be unacceptable, especially if the story took place in the future or on a different planet. As far as what I do with those kinds of conversations? Nothing more complicated than normal italics. It does depend on your word choice to convey it to your readers!
using italics for thoughts is annoying as heck to me... i much prefer writers who can convey the fact that the character is thinking using just good, plain wordsmithery...
It annoys you? Well, that's strange, since just about every book I've read uses italics for thoughts. How else could you do it, to make sure your reader knows the character is thinking? True, you can express it differently, but it's usually easier and neater to just use italics. But you have the right to your opinion.
don't know what books you read, but i read p1enty where the writer is good enough at his/her craft to get thoughts across without using ita1ics-- easier and neater isn't a1ways better, in the 1iterary wor1d-- ;-) but everyone is entit1ed to their own opinion, as you say--
You don't know what books I read? What is with the italics on everything, let alone the 1 instead of l? I'm starting to understand what kind of books you like to read!