Even so I live in Mather Airfield Base too...and it isn't as urban as other places. @Yellow: You don't know me in real life. I step out into chilly weather and then I just start freezing. I start shivering like crazy. lol! So it's bad to me.
haha that sucks, I'm assuming its being used to a much hotter climate? Well the state I live in is colder than Cali since it's farther north so I'm used to it...our winters are always somewhere between 30-50ish
California has a ton of different climates. The Valley is pretty moderate, but it gets a little hot in summer for my taste. I miss Bay Area weather. Never too hot or too cold.
I have always been this way. And I wouldn't say Greek was warmer then California. Maybe by a few degrees, but then again I am always cold. lol!
Leaka-my mom is sort of like that lol she is always cold and I've never been to Greece, or California for that matter (though you'd think I would have by now, I've been everywhere else in the country ) so I wouldn't know
that is hot, actually I used to live in a different state, one of the desert ones, and it got really hot there in the summer also
Here we don't have a ton of different climates, but east is very differnt than west (I live in the west part)
Pacific Northwest area (nothing against any of you guys, I'm just wary of posting more exact locations on the internet you know? )
It's snowed!! Wahay!!! For the first time since October (yeah, we have weird weather) and so even though it barely scraped two inches if that, we have a snow day!! I just hope the ground goes back to being mushy by next week as that's when the builders will be starting on the extension...
Snow, only an inch here, but elsewhere in the UK, snow brings nation to a standstill. 5 inches fell and continues to fall in the capital, bring chaos to the roads. All buses have been suspended, two underground lines are shut, with others affected. Up to 50% of staff unable or unwilling to make it into work, and those that have made it in are being offered hotels for the evening, rather than face the arduous journey home. It's only 5 inches for goodness sake, you Canadians and such must be laughing at us!
Haha yeah, I was having a big 'discussion' like that with my family, I mean we have a snow day whilst some people are snowed in ... but we oughtn't complain as we still have a day off, whoopee! More time to work on the Birming'am dictionary! (note the apostrophe as that's how most pronounce Birmingham) Haha, I just saw a John Lewis delivery truck just come out of a little cul de sac near my house and even though I can't do the five minute walk to school I managed a hefty hour and a bit dog walk in the snow xD.
Gah! All this talk of snow is making me exceedingly jealous. >_> If it were snowing here, I'd be totally doing this.... Still in the middle of a heatwave here - my functionality is virtually non-existant at this stage.
our snow is starting to melt, creating slush which froze overnight. ick. otherwise, it's pretty nippy out and the wind (which can get to 60 mph around here) is causing what little snow there is to drift all over the place. i hate flat land, give me my hills back anyday!
Living in Sydney is good, no real heatwave (well early 30's, thgats just normal), and no rain/flooding like up north So fine and sunny (like it has been all year so far) Best summer in YEARS!
it's reaaaaally icy out again. all the snow that we've been getting melted yesterday and then froze over, again. *sigh* but i guess it's better then drifting snow.