You know Raven, if you keep telling lies, your nose will grow. Just like Pinochio's did. It would be an amusing sight though.
Lol!!! Good luck with the rock finding Torana, i'm trying to beat Raven to it.. I liked hiding under it too remember!
We are going to need all the luck in the world Kit. MarcG, I'm pretty sure it was. Added a special feature to that rock. It was becoming a second home to me. I now offer a reward to the return of my beloved rock. If anyone has any information on the EXACT location or is able to return my rock to me in one piece and good condition. I shall give them a reward. The safe return of my beloved rock will give you a far greater reward than information leading to it's where abouts. Please, I am begging you all....please, help me find my rock.
IIf I did that I'd not be able to leave my goodbye essage! Plus if you would be so kind as to push the buttong for me...a little hard from here...><
. I Found it I found it......................................................................... Nope. I was lying. .