The Worst Stuff You've EVER Written

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Steve Rivers, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. deadrats

    deadrats Contributor Contributor

    Jul 7, 2016
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    I had a crush another student in a college poetry class who didn't seem to notice me or notice me the way I wanted. One week we all had to write a sonnet and then read them aloud in the next class. Mine was a cry for love directed at my crush with very telling details. The whole class would have known who my poem was about. Thank God I wrote two sonnets and had a good friend who said, "You can't read this." I don't think either sonnet was very good. Sometimes I wish I had read that poem just to see what would have happened. But my poetry was nowhere near good enough to make someone fall for me. It probably would have been more of a disaster than the poem was. Stupid love. Stupid heart. Stupid poem.
    Leleluv, Cave Troll, Xoic and 3 others like this.
  2. Jan Karlsson

    Jan Karlsson Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    Way back in the mists of time, the ... ~ gasp ~ 1980’s!, I wrote a series of stories set in the Doctor Who universe with a new Time Lord. Called the General, he was like the Doctor but punched people. A lot. It was, undeniably, the most awful pile of tripe written by a human being. :meh:
    Steve Rivers and Larro like this.
  3. Larro

    Larro Member

    Jun 29, 2020
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    Probably my entire first draft of my WIP :meh: I wrote a lot of pretty bad poetry in my early 20s. Had the foresight to destroy it all before it could be used against me.

    EDIT: Whoops, I didn't realise I was in the fan fiction section. I have never written fan fiction. But if I were to it would involve the series Firefly and I'm pretty confident it would be terrible.
    Steve Rivers and Cave Troll like this.
  4. Steve Rivers

    Steve Rivers Contributor Contributor

    Dec 15, 2019
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    In a tent built out of facemasks
    It doesn't have to be fanfiction, Larro. The thread got shunted here after the Lounge board had a revamp. I used fanfiction as my worst ever stuff in the original post, but this thread is for ANY of our worst material, of any genre. I'm not even sure how it has the fanfiction box next to it, since I never put it there :p :)
    deadrats, Cave Troll and Larro like this.
  5. Larro

    Larro Member

    Jun 29, 2020
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    Good to know :agreed: no doubt I'll be back with something else to add in the near future.
    Steve Rivers likes this.
  6. OctagonalPhantasm

    OctagonalPhantasm Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    Not a nice place
    The first novel I ever wrote to completion was epic high fantasy written in the tone of Jane Austen on shrooms trying to sound writerly. There were a lot of high court ladies sniffing imperiously and bearded drunkards swigging ale in bawdy taverns and the like. All of this maybe could've been fine if I were clever enough to make it a parody of itself. However, I was in my early 20s, drunk on the thought of being a famous writer, and I absolutely thought I was writing pure gold. Those were the days...
  7. Leleluv

    Leleluv Member

    Aug 21, 2019
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    The edge of flat earth.
    It was my first creative writing piece and the quality was not that bad considering how young and completely inexperienced I was. However, it was a class assignment, and I had the misfortunate under sight to write a three-page story of a girl's house being burglarized and her parent's hearts being ripped out and thrown in a jewelry box. The next day the teacher cautioned us against writing any explicit horror stories the day after all the students turned their works in. I'm convinced that warning was directed towards me.
    Steve Rivers and Cave Troll like this.

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