^ Not usually. The ones I do remember are usually quite unhappy though. My last dream / nightmare was about my father having an affair with my best friend. < Dancing v Dancer? (or just attempter?)
^ There are two reasons I don't get parts in musicals..one is singing..the other is dancing < don't think my brain pills work as well as they used to. V Take meds for anything?
^ no but some times I need some weak sleeping pills but my mum doesn't want me to have them ... really annoying < loves my doggy v love a pet?
^ I love all my pets all...20 of them (2 dogs, 2 newts, 2 frogs, bunch of fish) < Cries when an animal dies in movies more than when a person dies V Cry at movies?
^ Yep, but usually only when the dog dies. I let a tear leak in Peral Harbor today though. < Getting by. v Getting by?
^ Barely < At school V Actualy believes in that 'your time at school is the happiest time in your life'-crap
^ Tea and crumpets with Othman? Sounds delightful. I'm sure we could have quite a roving discussion. < Is really tired and about to say goodnight. Spent most of my week doing makeup for short films until the wee hours of the morn. V Are you really tired too?
^ Uh huh, Horizon told me that I ought to sleep due to natural reasons like the body clock and whatnot and not get up for school. < Neck hurts v got any boo boos?
^ I woke up at 3 to use the bathroom, looked in bathroom mirror and looked fine. When I got up at 6, I had a little scratch on my face. No idea what happened in the meantime. < Likes to think that mystery boo boos are the result of alien abduction V Believe in aliens?
^ Absolutely believe in aliens. < Wishes I could talk to an Alien for just ten minutes to know what/how/why they think what they do. V Would you be scared to talk to a real live alien?
^ NO, I talk to them all the time. I live in Los Angeles. You'd never even know they were illegal. They're so nice. < Is having problems with kids today. V Want to baby sit? I might not come back...
^ I do want kids, but I think I will stick with trying to have my own < Wants a baby more than just about anything V Have/want kids?
^ Wow, what a question... Yeah, I've thought about it. It makes me panicky after ten minutes of thinking. (Do I have a girl and make her diva as all get out, or a boy who is sensitive and open minded? Panic setting in as we speak) < Wonders if my boyfriend would ever want kids V Think gays and lesbians should be allowed to adopt?
^ Hell yeah < Has actually considered adoption rather than spreading own corrupted genes V Think people with genetic disorders or inheritable medical conditions shouldn't have own kids?
^ I think that the population of mankind would come to an end in a matter of generations if there were a law limiting such. Everyone has something bad to pass on. And something wonderful too. Like big enormous plump lips, lol.^ < Is intrigued by a good mystery. V Do you enjoy clue hunts?
^ Nope. Being a straight female, never worried about being ignored by girls. < Needs a day off and a nap V Gets a nap today?
^Heck no. I got too much to do, though I’m putting it off well. < Once worked the graveyard shift, and had to nap throughout the day. v Has never worked the night shift.
^ Nope. Not much call for graveyard shift secretaries. < Sings alto in a choir V Soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass, other?
^ i would say a bass probably < never cared much for singing because i was fantastically bad at it v sings in the shower and thinks they should be on idols
^ Sings in the shower, but could never sing onstage. < Also sings and dances in the rain now that it's springtime / rainy season. V Eats Cap'n Crunch for breakfast.
^ thinks Cap'n Crunch is everywhere < doesn't eat breakfast because it means waking up earlier v Wakes up just to eat breakfast.