Agreed with the above two posts. But they should be careful, i saw a youtube video where a dude ghost riding his car lost it to a black guy who just ran out and jumped in the already running car. Hilarious!! You would be killed if you lost one of those things, very expensive. With the tech that the US Military has; a Total War situation would be seriously scary. Nukes and Tanks are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to military technology.
Don't start that. Such treatment of prisoners is present in nearly every military force in the world. Its an aspect and nature of war. The US miltiary is no different from any other military force in this regard. Its perposterous to critize them for what almost all other militaries do. And forgive me for having little compassion for people who's favorite past time is blowing themselves up. EDIT: I'd also like to point out anyone who says the US military has no compassion should reevaluate their position. I lived in the military my whole life, there is a hell of alot of compassion for everyone.
Thanks LoH. I'm sick of people always pointing fingers at the US Military for their problems. The world is in dissaray, and at least we're doing something to help it.
I can say, I don't have much love for the military, or war in any form. I'm a pacifist and proud (after reading Johnny got his Gun the very idea of war makes me shiver with fear) and would not say this 'War on Terror' is needed, nor the War in Iraq. However, We are in somthing, and it's not like we can get out soon... so we just have to support our troops, and hope things don't get worse. My opnion on all this.