You're going to have to give a bit of grace for this RP. It is going to become very hectic very fast with this RP having such a large number of Players. It would be nearly impossible to respond to everyone's character in every post. If one character specifically talks/interacts with another character then yes, hopefully the other writer will respond appropriately but aside from that most of the writers will usually choose just a few characters to respond to in each post. If someone ignores your character try not to take offense and move onto the next player as it probably wasn't on purpose. Does that help at all?
I used to have em and could do a few tricks. Unfortunately, I suffered an accident and lost 75% of my motion in the right hand. Tried to re-learn the tricks with my left one and ended up cutting myself real bad. Then I sold em.
Ouch D:. Was the accident bali related, or separate? Also, I've tried using my left, but decided that it pointlessly dangerous due to my complete lack of ambidexterity. What knives did you have?
The accident was not related - and I'd rather keep it to myself cos I feel really uncomfortable recalling it. I just had a couple of Brazilian-made knives, nothing fancy. The accident happened in 2004 so ordering a Balisong was out of question, since I've already had two a friend gave me in '98. I have since sold them. Edit: and yes, I know I'm repeating myself here, but that's simply due to reminding of things I used to do, some which weren't pretty. If anything, PM me or lets leave room for me to become used to this place.
Haha, no problem. I'm actually feeling more and more comfortable with this place every day that goes on, and it's been three days only. It's not so often that you find good people to interact with.
The people here are amazing. I'd be hard pressed to find a great bunch of writers like regulars we have around here. I think you'll find this a great place to RP.
OK, I have to apologize. I don't know what I was thinking in starting this the week before my PhD thesis defense. I'm supposed to be managing the Theta Prime Gov't but I'm not even able to keep up with all the amazing posts! I forgot how Orb games move extra fast. I defend tomorrow. So until next week I'm leaving you in the very capable hands of @Love to Write. Other experienced members willing to lend a hand are welcome to do so. I'll pick up next week once the euphoria or depression wears off (depending on how the defense goes) and roll with whatever has happened. LtW, do what you need to do with the Gov't. Wish me luck!
(Decided to go with a different character....I'll try and get a post up today.......if I can think o one) Name: Wally Wilson aka Drakul The Destroyer Age: 15 Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance: He's a very thin and lanky boy with glasses and very bad acne. He's got extremely bad allergies and asthma. His hair is always neatly combed. He of course has braces and a tendency to wear pocket protectors. Costume Appearance: His costume is very Dr.Doom inspired. He wears a massive black cloak with a terrifying metal mask that covers his face. It looks down right demonic. His body suit is blood red with various different armor like pieces on it. Personality: Wally is a nerd....and not the cool kind. His hobbies were nothing but annoying people, being smug, beating off, correcting people about nerd pop culture (comics,manga, video games, horror movies etc), being anti social, beating off, playing DnD, getting his ass kicked annnnd beating off. Drakul on the other hand is one of the most brilliant criminal minds ever to set foot on Earth. He is a cold calculating figure who demands to be respected and feared by his peers and enemies. Every hero in his world knows him....because he's fought them all in his endless quest for world domination. Drakul honestly believes the wo-NO!!! THE UNIVERSE BELONGS TO HIM for now the trivial His favorite acts include giggling madly everytime he hatches a new plan and making it known to the public, talking down to people he believes lesser then himself, gloating for absurdly long amounts of time when he's seconds away from victory. Are these actions stupid for someone so such a vast intellect? Yes but what good is being a SUPA VILLAIN if you don't have fun with it? History: Like most people on his Earth Wally grew up looking up to the mighty superheroes that defended the world. Yet the heroes never saved him from his own real world problems. His father died illness when he was but ten years old and his father left him with one important message. "You were meant to do great things Wally." As Wally grew his father's words seemed to drift further and further away. Wally's great things were reading his comics, getting straight A's and trying to get Samantha Colfax to notice him before the big dance. Sadly there is like no way in like all of like eternity that like Samantha Colfax would like ever like dream of like going with a loser like Wally Wilson....ewww like UGH omigod!! Wally heartbroken thought it couldn't get any worse......but it did when arrived home that day his mother took away his beloved computer. "You spend to much time on it." She said. "A growing boy needs fresh air." As Wally stayed in his room with nothing to do his stress became to great and tried to sneak down stairs and take his lovey laptop back. He found it no time at all but as he made his grab for it FATE STRUCK HIM!!!!! And by fate I mean a bolt of lighting super charging the computer and his brain to meld components giving him a mind far above man. A mind like a machine that was now literally covered with networks upon networks of information and understanding, and if you think that doesn't make sense then I've got some news for you. Its a superpower origin story 90 percent of em don't make sense!! Wally gifted with his new attributes of course at first aspired to be a great heroes like the others and to fight evil Yet within a week he gave up that and opted for villainy......why? Powers/Equipment: He only has one main one. His intellect. He's modified his entire basement into a laboratory in which he builds robots, mutants and plots his evil plans. So a lot of the times he shows up with different weaponry or some other gadget when he's fighting. In the case of this he'll be bit least until he can find away to return to his laboratory. Weaponry (starting): He has a pistol holstered to his side, his gloves can fire laser beams from the, fingertips, bullet proof armor (including the mask), bullet proof cape and his gloves give off an electric charge to stun enemies. Other tech: Tracking devices (which he can latch on to anyone he wants to follow or keep tabs on), jet boots, EMpellets (small pellets that can cause an EMP to happen to cancel out any rival technology) and to cap it off his inhaler... (Two his normal one and the one filled with sulfuric acid) Physically he's a weak teenage boy that can't fight and gets out of breath when has to run long
@losthawken Good luck! Make sure everybody calls you "Dr...." once you're done and doubtlessly passed.
Yep, I look forward to it. P.S. How the heck do you tag someone? I've tried to do it before, but it didn't seem to work...
@BrandonrockstheAM Type @(nospace)Person'sFullName to tag someone At everyone else; you're being attacked! There are enough of the creatures to keep your characters busy and give them a chance to show off their skills. The mutated humans each have different strengths and weakness, feel free to improvise and have them attack your character with attacks of your choice. Assume that not all the creatures have been killed till I say so. Any questions?
Also, I'd like to add that my character is malleable by others, so as long as it stays within the context of her persona, and in order to have the RPG flowing and not get stuck, the other players can write for her a bit. Am I allowed to do this? There might be periods of time where I won't be around, like for, say, two or three days because of work, so I'm asking your permission, guys.
Generally we discourage players from controlling other player's characters. However, when there is a planned leave of absence by a player it's perfectly alright to hand the character over to someone else, or the group. Just be sure to let us know when those times are.
Really, how could I not Character Template: Name: Billiam Spot Age: 794 Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance: Billiam looks like a man in his late 20's to early 30's with brown hair that is combed back, longish sideburns, and a clean cut face. He has blue/grey eyes that are the only feature of his face that show his age. He also wears a pair of thick frame black glasses. He is currently wearing a tweed suit jacket, blue jeans, a black button down shirt, and a thin red blue tie. Personality: Billiam is what you would call odd. He is eccentric and clever, and never turns down a chance to make a snappy one liner. It is his favorite pastime, so much so that he occasionally stops in at Marc's Interdimensional Bar and Grill with the sole intention of spending several hours getting mildly intoxicated and making quips to the other patrons. He is a good and kind person at heart, but if there is something that he wants, he can become blindly focused on it, to the detriment of everything around him, making him somewhat less than dependable in a pinch. There is no question that Billiam's loyalties are to Billiam and no one else. History: Billiam was a normal person, he grew up in LA in the 1950's. He was a researcher at a laboratory that was researching time flow mechanics. They had built a machine that allowed them to bring particles to a complete stop for a brief instant. At the lab, Billiam was in preparing for a round of experiments with the machine when there was an accident and the machine's area of effect extended outside of it's containment, engulfing Billiam, the entire room, and the other researcher, Julia. Julia also happened to be the woman with whom Billiam was in love, and engaged to marry. The two of them, along with the machine and the rest of the room came to a complete stop in space time. The effect didn't last very long, but long enough for the entire universe to have moved a considerable distance. Now under normal circumstances, this would have deposited them squarely in the middle of space, leaving them to freeze, asphyxiate, and explode, whichever happened first. This however, did not happen. Rather, in the style of Douglas Adams, they were deposited squarely in the middle of the living room of a family living on a rather perfectly placed green planet that was rather improbably exactly where they appeared once the field dissipated and returned them to moving along with the rest of the universe instead of being left behind as it whizzed along on it's merry way. After a goodly amount of confusion, Billiam, Julia and the machine made a speedy exit from the disgruntled families home, and found themselves on a very foriegn and alien planet. With no real idea of what had happened, no way to communicated, and no means of transportation, they were lost and alone until captured by the local authorities. While they were being arrested, Billiam and Julia were separated and the machine was taken by the group that took Julia. As they took him away, Billiam fought back, trying to get to Julia, but as he watched, the machine activated for some reason and before his very eyes, Julia, the machine, and the alien security forces taking her were whisked away, along with a large amount of the ground beneath their feet. In shock, Billiam was taken into custody by the aliens, who tried to interrogate him. After months of custody, and slowly interrogating him, little by little as he learned their language, he eventually had an opportunity to escape. He stole a spaceship and started frantically trying to figure out a way to find Julia, hoping that she was somehow still alive. Since then, he has not aged. He isn't sure why, but believes that it has to do with his entire body having been stopped in space time. It has been 700 years that he has been trying to find Julia. Since then he has tried everything, from time travel to wormholes to figure out a way to find her. He even designed and built himself a spaceship on a friendly planet that was capable of stopping itself in time and traveling that way, in an effort to recreate the event, he named it the Spot in Time. But he has yet to find any sign of Julia. But he refuses to give up hope, especially when he hears about an Orb that could help him in his quest. Powers/Equipment: Billiam has various devices and gadgets that he's designed to help him along in his quest. His only weapon is a rather clunky laser pistol that fires a stun charge. His main resource is his ability to create things on the fly, and adapt to his surroundings.
Guys, guys, let's get a move on with the Theta Prime soldiers already - I'm sorry for sllllloooooowwwwwwiiiinngg down the story with Taylor-isms. It's enough said she thinks Eve is her best friend there and that she has a crush on Schadenfreude. That said, let's go to that forest!