OMG AN AVATAR THREAD!!!!ONE!!11!!ELEVEN!! Seriously though, this was my ABSOLUTE favorite show when it was on and it's still one of my favorites. Absolutely incredible characters, animation, storyline.... I always thought I would be a Waterbender if given the chance. Always loved Katara's bending skills, although I wouldn't mind having Toph's skills (and smart mouth) either. However M Night Shamalamadingdong can go to hell! He ruined the whole thing! \ And Legend of Korra! I just heard about that like a week ago and am SO FREAKING EXCITED! I really hope they go through with making it.
After reading the things fans have said about the movie, I'm kind of curious to go see it, since I've never seen anything related to The Last Airbender, just to see what I think of it.
If you haven't seen the cartoon, don't go see the movie; the cartoon is way better. And even if you have, still don't go see the movie.
Oh, I'm going to see the movie. Someone unbiased needs to view it. Maybe after I see the movie, I'll watch the cartoon. Maybe.
I loved the anime series. I want to see the movie desperately --I had been looking forward to it for about a year, ever since I heard that there was one in production. I was a bit concerned about the director; his films are either fantastic or absolutely terrible. From what I've heard, the movie isnt very good, especially for those who have seen the anime. Which disappoints me. Rotton Tomatos gave the movie a 4% --that's a lower rating than Marmaduke! I have two movie passes that I won a few years ago but always forget to use (or, when I remember, the particular movie I want to see isnt eligible for passes). I'm going to wait for a few weeks until they start allowing passes. That way, if it's really as bad as I've been hearing, the only thing I'll have wasted is time. The anime was just brilliant though.
Ah, yes. I did not expect to like Avatar, and to this day I have no idea why I even watched it to begin with, but I am solidly glad I did. Brilliant show from start to finish. I urge anyone who hasn't seen it not to watch the movie. The show is an instant classic, and that's not the kind of buzzword I throw around easily.
Some of the rotten tomatoes critics are overly harsh though, i'm sure Avatar is at least a DECENT movie, because i really liked the show. Plus the CGI looks intense hehe
The only problem with Avatar is that the villains were completely one-dimensional. They were caricatures, not people. Villains are always more interesting to me when they're more "real." Fleshed out and complex.
I could've sworn it was called Avatar the Last Airbender when I bumped the thread. Were talking to the cat above you?
Which really does suck, seeing as how Avatar: The Last Airbender came before Avatar: The James Cameron Thing.
I too was miffed with the name of Cameron's movie. Regardless, I have just started to re-watch the the original series on DVD. I just love it. I love the characters. I love that the characters are well fleshed and not at the expense of the story-line. It is clear that the story came first and the characters grow to fill and make the story, not the other way around. Aang - Supremely accountable and yet utterly innocent. Katara - Immensely intelligent but her moral compass is often off. Sokka - Fiercely loyal, but not too bright. Zuko - Broken but not really evil. Uncle Iroh - A good man caught in a bad situation. They keep the constructs of the characters simple and correct to the story-line. They do not go off into background tangents that do not pertain. They are perfect examples, for me, of characters serving a story, not a story serving a character.
Precisely! Jet is another good example of the duality that was so prominent in the characters. He had just cause, but unjust means. The only main character that comes to mind who doesn't fit the pattern is Azula, cuz' that chick is just crazy on a 24k stick. EDIT ~ Oop. I forgot Toph! How could I forget Toph?!?! Blind, and yet tapped into a universe of detail that makes seeing with eyes seem like a cheap substitute. I loved her three finger stalagmite wha-pack move in the episode where she is introduced. She is so bad-assed. If I knew her in real life, I would probably slightly worship her. :redface: Example of legendary Three Fingered Stalagmite Wha-Pack from the Toph School of Earthbending pictured below. Please note: Toph is an Earthbending Master. The Three Fingered Stalagmite Wha-Pack should not be attempted without the supervision of a master or the Avatar him/herself.
you really like the show! haha What about Mai and Ty Lee? I could never get enough of Ty's ditsy vibe xD Well I got a bit off topic, but yea, it really should be a good movie hopefully
Seeing as I was the OP of the thread back in '08 (have a look) and that the original topic was the show, I hereby deem that both show and movie are fair game for discussion.
Ty Lee never garnered much attention from me, but Mai, I loved Mai! Her dry sarcasm was scathingly delicious.
I was going to see The Last Airbender last night until a friend wrote this in part of a review: "You start out laughing at how random and mindless everything in this movie is, but about an hour into it, you realize that the movie is actually laughing at you, for watching it in the first place. And it's laughing louder than you are, because it's got Dolby surround-sound a...nd you're choking on your suspension of disbelief." So I ended up seeing Toy Story 3 instead, which was adorable. I figure I'll still see TLA, but I'm not going to pay $20 for it. If it's as bad as everyone says it is, it'll be on DVD in a matter of weeks, and then I can rent it at Blockbuster for a mere $3.
This is my take exactly. This will also keep me from harm in that watching the movie in my own home will keep me from throttling younglings sitting next to me who are texting during the movie.
One review I read said the movie is directed at kids, who will like it, and doesn't really bother trying to engage adults.
^LOL I just talked to my mom last night, and she said my little sister (13) hated the movie, but my mom loved it. My sister is really into The Last Airbender, though, and my mom has never seen any of it...
I hate those buggers. I really want to dress up and go to the Harry Potter 7 November 2010 midnight premiere, but I am afraid the fangirl screaming and the backlights of cell phones will ruin the movie for me, and I want it to be perfect.