Doesn't the Level Editor annoy the hell out of you though? I made a level, but when one little thing came unglued, the whole project went to hell. I literally aged 5 years during the process and it was so frustrating I considered therapy ... In short, the level editor is too fidgety and is flawed. Also, I don't think I've ever anticipated a game more than Resident Evil 5. Twice the length of RE4 and it looks amazing.
I don't know. The first time I ever played RE4 was on Wii (I got it for Christmas, I'm not very far, right when you have to choose between two paths, one with El Gigante and one with a bunch of Ganadoes), but I can't imagine playing it without the Wiimote. I think that was a stupid idea on Capcom's part to not release RE5 on Wii. They worked so hard to make a RE fanbase for Nintendo, already releasing 3 RE games for Gamecube and 2 for Wii...
There's probably a reason for it even if we don't know. No company does anything if they think it will hurt sales. It's possible that fan based jumped ship to another console system, or that even though RE4 was released for Gamecube and Wii it sold better on the PS2 fanbase which his now divided up among the 360 and PS3 owners. They would probably do a port later even if the Wii isn't scheduled for a launch release.
The Wii doesn't have the hardware capabilities necessary for what they're doing with RE5, though I suppose it was a conscious decision for them to design the game that way in the first place. Besides, even though the hardcore would flock to a game like RE5 on Wii, the system is so clearly marketed towards the casual market that I genuinely believe a game like that would suffer in sales. All that said, I think that I'll prefer the game on the higher end consoles even if they do lack motion sensitivity. On an off-note, a sometimes overlooked gem on the 360 is Eternal Sonata if you can stomach JRPGS. The only two others that I've played on the system are the nearly unbearable Enchanted Arms and the only slightly better Blue Dragon. If anyone can explain Blue Dragon's infatuation with anthropomorphic feces I'd be highly appreciative. For those who don't know there are many, many different monsters in the game called Poos. This isn't a bad translation or a weird take on Winnie the Pooh. You literally sit there and have battles against living, breathing turds time and time again. Eternal Sonata has a great soundtrack, very vibrant graphics, and a pretty cool battle system. It suffers from near-endless dungeon crawling and some obnoxious characters, but if you like that kind of game you know what you're getting into.
It's also on the PS3 now. And I really can't stomach JRPGs. Is Valkyria Chronicles Japanese? I didn't enjoy that.
Take on the El Gigante!!! Trust me, it's a truly epic game once you get going. Many boss fights and a long, long campaign. When (if) you reach the end, just think: RE5 is double this!!
Come on Blue. RE5 is really going to be double that. I'm sure they're exaggerating for effect. I could go with it being much longer but not double. The way developers measure game hours is flawed anyway. Somehow I always turn a supposed 80 hour RPG into a 30 hour experience (Skies of Arcadia's box lied to me too because it even said 80 hours on the back cover and it was still 30 hours even with all the side quests and power leveling! ). Players go through games a lot faster than developers say they will. I'm sure RE5 will be long but double the time of RE4 seems like an absurd notion to me.
Yes, it's called lying. RE5 will not be double the length of RE4, unless they make you do the whole sodding thing twice. Which isn't unheard of, to be honest, but to me that wouldn't count as fulfilling their claim.
Ooh. Capcom has a tendency to do that. Thread starter's avatar should have reminded me. Suddenly my enthusiasm isn't what it once was.
Short games aren't a problem for me anymore. I used to want huge long epic games, but now I have less time, and also a bunch of games I haven't beat yet to play. I loved DMC3, (as you can tell) and thought it was just long enough.
They also had Resident Evil 2 and 3 for the N64 too which is where I got into it, but I'm starting not to like where RE is going.
They really need to get the claustrophobic, suspense element back in the series. I mean in RE 0, 1 and 2 and to a lesser extent 3 (which i thought suited that particular game) my heart was racing almost non-stop, always wondering what the hell is going to be around the next corner or whether something was going to come tear my head off in a narrow hallway or whatever. Just think Capcom are making it a little bit too action-packed for my liking. Whatever happened to good old zombies and a distinct lack of ammo... xD
Yeah it used to be a bit more scary back then. There's really not much of a threat if you don't have much ammo so you had to resort most of the time by running away. I know Mr. X and the mirror licker made me jump a few times.
Ye that happened to me like ten times already, so i pressed the magical back button and undid my mistake. don't get me wrong I'm not saying the editor is perfect, it has a steep learning curve, but I never did anything that destroyed my entire level that I wasn't able to fix with the back button (how did that happen to you?) and with every mistake, I got better and found new ways of doing what didn't work.. I'm really getting the hang of it now and it's a lot of fun to play around with. But hay even if the editor isn't your thing, the community levels is still awesome (as is the actual game.) Ya, it's not really survival-horror anymore, they took away the horror and replaced it with suspense, and the emphasis on action got rid of the survival part. It's really more of a third person shooter with zombies by four (okay okay, genados), on the plus side: It's AWSOME and hopefully re 5 will follow suit. i just wish someone would make a horror game, like silent hill 2... ow well, I'll guess I'll have to make do with the little big planet silent hill levels
There are very few horror games. And I've not encountered any that have matched the Silent Hill series (well, the first three) for scariness. Except the original Doom, of course. I just love Silent Hill's pacing and subtle psychological horror. And the fact that you can't just kill all the enemies with a sneeze certainly helps the horror atmosphere (and indeed, that was RE4's weakness, I feel).
I really like Silent Hill too. Note that my name is a bastardized version of Aglaophotis. While on we're on the survival horror genre subject, do you guys feel Dead Space was a justified expense? I mean, it looks cool, but is it worth the money?
You know, I think I have been sucked into Capcom's web with RE5. I honestly believed it would be double the length. Thank you for bringing me back into the real world. Banzai, I think RE4's strength was that it was an incredible action game. It lacked horror, and I hope Capcom has been working hard to bring that back in the fifth, but there were still great blood-pumping moments like being chased around by a man with a chainsaw and a hessian sack over his head!
I absolutely do. I found it compelling, scary (for the first few hours), and thought the boss fights brought it to an epic level/conclusion. It would rival for (my) game of the year, last year, if I made one.
Oh don't get me wrong, the Resident Evil games have always been great, in some form or another (except Umbrella Chronicles...), but they haven't been horror for a while, especially RE4, when you could kill everything with a few shotgun blasts. Not to say it wasn't fun, because it definitely was, but RE has moved away from horror. If they can bring that back in RE5, then I'd be very happy indeed.
Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I think RE4 is know, possessed zombies attacking, tentacle-head things, giant monsters, creepy music, a crappy glitch with my Wii that's now too late to fix that causes a blur across the screen so I can't see what's going on in outdoor areas...
A key element of horror is vulnerability, which I just didn't feel in RE4. Maybe it was just me, but the protagonist just seemed too strong in relation to the enemies. And I prefer a more subtle, paced atmosphere, rather than the cluster**** of RE4 (in terms of horror, I mean). Maybe it is just personal preference.
Left 4 Dead is made up only of Zombie Head Explosions. Wait, going off topic again. RE4 (notice the 4 is the shift key for the dollar sign, haha): They midichlorian'd the Zombies. They explained it too much, which I think takes away a lot of the horror (think Silent Hill, I've gotten ALL the endings and I still don't know WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING! Or think Eternal Darkness. If you figure what's going on there I'll give you a cookie). That's a japanese thing. * *: Joking, duh.
Zombies haven't been in Resident Evil since 3. In 4 you're fighting parasitic humans and 5 looks like a similar thing.