The most disturbing dream I had was where I was looking at myself in the mirror. I leaned in looking at my teeth. I reached up and felt my front tooth and it wiggled. In shock I wiggled it and it fell out in my hand. I was horrified and went to feel the other teeth and one by one they kept falling out. I had all this blood everywhere and I remember waking up because I was so freaked out and instantly went to feel my teeth which actually hurt... that was creepy. I can handle anything accept tooth and eye trauma.
Dreaming about losing teeth is actually (apparently) one of the more common themes people encounter in dreams.... from here: One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Sadly, we live in a world where good looks are valued highly and your teeth play an important role in conveying that image. Teeth are used in the game of flirtations, whether it be a dazzling and gleaming smile or affectionate necking. These dreams may stem from a fear of your sexual impotence or the consequences of getting old. Teeth are an important feature of our attractiveness and presentation to others. Everybody worries about how they appear to others. Caring about our appearance is natural and healthy. Another rationalization for these falling teeth dream may be rooted in your fear of being embarrassed or making a fool of yourself in some specific situation. These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxiety.� Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth represent power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness. Are you lacking power in some current situation? Perhaps you are having difficulties expressing yourself or getting your point across. You feel frustrated when your voice is not being heard. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some situation or relationship in your life. This dream is an indication that you need to be more assertive and believe in the value of your own opinion. People are weird....
Thanks for the info, it was interesting to read. I don't remember what I was thinking or feeling. I have always been self conscious so that was probably the cause. Either way it was a messed up dream and I could do without having another like it lol.
I had a recent dream that made me laugh after I woke up. I thought my husband heard me and I felt funny but I was so happy to find out later that he didn't. It was about this lady i worked with and we get along but she was with me at this place like a room and her kids were little and the kids were sitting at a table and there was a lot of people around us anyway i turn around and she is talking to me and says I left my stuff in your trunk I need to get it and leave. I said sure hold on and said good bye to her children but the weird thing is is that she just left her kids there? I turned around and she was gone and she had disappeared through a crowd of people. I got through them all and got to the outside and it was a busy street but no sign of her and I thought to myself I am never going to catch her and said this is a dream and I can do anything I want so I flew and I flew past the street where I had parked and then I said to myself I'll just fly back and it felt so wonderful to fly..that's all I remembered. LOL.
Last night I dreamed I was running through this building trying to find something. There were stairs and more stairs. Stair cases that went up and some that went down. I kept going up stairs and finding a floor...then I would find another stair case that lead either down, but to a floor between floors or even further up. I was running up and running down. Finally, I went down a half flight to a mezzanine the was like a broom closet, it was a dead end so I turned to go back up, and there was a man at the top of the flight of stairs. He told me to stop running up and down the stairs because the building was old and not stable and my footsteps would bring the whole building down. I never did find what I was looking for, nor do I know what it was.
I've been dreaming of past lovers for weeks. I'm in my thirties now and have been with the same woman 13 years (7+ married). It's not unusual for me to think of them occasionally, and I typically romanticize most everything, particularly past relationships. Last night I dreamt of my first *real* lover. She was on the phone with someone else and I was asking her questions. I have no idea what they were regarding. The impetus was likely the pic I saw of her the other day.
I had this dream last night where I was in a huge grocery type store looking to buy a cake, but I couldn't find the bakery. Everything looked blurry, and I realized I wasn't wearing my glasses. So now not only did I not know where the bakery was, I couldn't see clearly where ANYTHING was. I could see enough to not crash into anything, but not enough to know what anything was. All I remember.
I often have dreams where I'm talking to someone about something or other, or something happens, and I wake up and am like "WTF?" but then a few weeks later they actually happen. It's happened before, it's this weird deja vu.
Weird dreams lately. Last week I had two dreams; one was that I was at my house, and it'd all turned into silent-hill world. Everything was rotten and I had these weird tasks to do, one of which was to retrieve something from a rotting plughole...nice. Was very scary. I then woke up, scared myself, and eventually went back to sleep. I had another dream, and this time, myself (I was a child) and two other weird kids were in this big posh house, setting up traps to kill the people living there. In the attic, there was this weird goddess woman that we were all afraid of, telling us what to do. Weird Last night, however, I had a dream that I was friends with Stephen King. We were sat at a table casually chatting. If my memory serves well, I think I also said to him 'Say hi to Joe for me!' and he laughed. (As in the Author Joe Hill, his son). I liked that one. I remember him being very tall... I have the most random dreams.
I had two of my recurring themes this weekend. I had my fishtank dream where I feel like i need to save these fish. Is this dream, someone couldn't take care of their fish anymore and was showing me the available fish. It started with three tanks on top of on a shelving unit. As i looked around, I found more and more tanks. filled with more and more fish. I knew I didn't have room, time, or money to take all of them, but I was afraid if I left them that they would all die. All I really remember. Last night (technically this morning, but who is counting) I dreamed that I was driving and had no brakes. I was trying to drive Steve to a restaurant. There was a stop sign at the bottom of a hill (even though there are no hills where I live). As I went down the hill, I was accelerating. I tried to break , but couldn't. I went full speed past the stop sign, turned right to stay in my lane, narrowly avoided hitting someone, then spun the car around in a full-speed u-turn to try to slow it down. Steve freaked out and wanted to go home. I wanted to keep going to the restaurant, but agreed to go home...only as I meandered through residential neighborhoods trying to get home, I got more and more lost. The car was still hard to control with no I was crawling through neighborhood after neighborhood trying to find home.
The fish dream is the manifestation of my feelings that I have to help everyone, save everyone, be the strong one, but inevitably failing. The car with no brakes is probably a stress control over the big dangerous things in life
BEWARE: MAY DISTURB ANYONE (EXCEPT STEPHEN KING FANS XD) One girl from school had a gash in her back and we were rushing her in a van to the hospital. For some reason, she had no shirt but I didn't "see anything" (I'm not a pervert ) and we could visibly see the gash getting bigger and bigger until her skin literally fell off in the most disguisting and disturbing way you can imagine. She then let out a miserable shriek and was naught but a walking system of profusely bleeding organs. She crawled into the back seat and wallowed over me and the other person in the van, both of us in utter disguist(as you can well imagine). She then got her skin back and let out a huge and evil smile. I gotta stop writing horror....
Haha, that's too funny. Nothing wrong with "seeing things". I wish I saw more "stuff" in my dreams, though I do get to see plenty. -a happy dreamer, Kas. P.S. Dreams are a great source of horror material. It takes a good kick in the arse from my subconsious for me to come up with anything exceptionally disturbing--a thing which, I'm happy to report, happens regularly. Yay for ****ed up dreams.
This is actually a pretty stupid dream. I dreamt that I came into the office to find that someone had redecorated. There was one shade and pattern of yellow wallpaper up to a chair rail, above that was another type of wallpaper also in a 70's yellow, then there was a border at the very top in yet another pattern and shade. The colors looked like my parents bathroom in the house I grew up in (bad 70's decor). Even worse, the paper was put on badly. I could see every seam. The corners were awful. The paper was already peeling. I hated it. No plot. Just hating on bad wallpaper.
My dream was awful! I'm kinda obsessed with Sarah Brightman and I was in Italy and me and my parents were walking along Lake Ghada and there she was performing a concert. She was singing Scarborough Fair But anyway. So me and my parents sat down and they were moaning because they don't like her music and I was saying how much I worshipped her lol. So Siew May must have heard and Sarah appeared near me and hugged me and I told I loved her and had all her CD's. Then I asked my Dad to take a photo, but he couldn't find his camera and when he did find he kept messing around. Then it was about 5 mins later and my Dad still wasn't taking a photo and Sarah said she had to get back to the concert and I begged her to stay, so she said she would for a few more moments. But then I woke up and now I don't know if I ever got a photo D:
I had a dream about, Wrey. I kid you not. He was just as real as his picture and just as colorful as his posts. He was wearing a circus outfit, like the one from that exotic circus. I can't think of the name. Anyway, he was walking me around and showing off his freinds. Then I woke up. Don't understand it, but it was fun.
I had a dream about the forum once. I was walking on the lounge page. Letters were metres across, so it took ages to read a word. no members appeared though, I think.
I had an interesting dream. I was sitting at a computer. Well a friend of mine was and he was showing me this RTS similar Age of Empires. I remember I wanted to show him some game, but I felt embarrased and decided not to. Anyways he was showing me how cool it was. Before I woke up, I remember he was showing me this feature where you could fight these Tradeskill Bosses or something. Each boss would improve a certain aspect of your empire. I think he was going after a boss that would improve his food gathering. But before we got to the boss my mom woke me up. It was an interesting dream lol
I had a seriously creepy dream. I went out for my birthday and had a few drinks. Woke up in my bed with half my ear hanging off. All bloody and painful. I walked the street because apparently my dream world had only a few people and get this, no one would take me to the hospital. Even when I explained to them about my ear and that you can see my brain. Which you couldn't but I said it anyway. Okay so, sleeping with my ears covered tonight.
I had a dream that skeletons were chasing after me, they were dead set cracking their necks and everything and trying to grab me. It was the same night as I decided not to talk to my ex anymore so maybe it was a symbolism that there was a danger of old, bad memories and bad people were going to come back to haunt me! Strange dream!