It was Steve Job's fault that i wore flip flops. And also his fault there was a snake in my yard. Also, he made me step on it. Steve Jobs controls the matrix
Tmw someone asks you "do you wash your hair everyday?" And it leads into an hour long conversation on "passing" Im mentally exhausted
Its not healthy for people with tightly curled and thick hair to wash their hair every day. It doesnt get oily as fast as straight hair. Washing it every day causes it to dry out and break off. So i was my hair on the weekends. Its a question that i get asked a lot by people with straight hair (and then they look disgusted when i answer truthfully). "Passing" is the term used when a black person passes for white. Some see it as a thing of pride (the lady who approached me saw it that way... "Im not "dark" i can pass for a white person".... Granted, she's 89 and theres that whole generational thing). Some see it as a negative (my grandpa who thought they were no good for lying about who they were). What i say at the library all the time is: dont apologize for not knowing. (So, no fault of yours)
Occasionally people have asked how long it takes for my hair to dry, but because my hair is very long and not because it is thick or curly (it isn't either). Alas, with each passing year, there is less to dry. Someday I will probably emerge from the shower, shine my head with a towel, and go out to face the world looking like a new laid egg. PS Maybe that's envy you're seeing on the faces of straight-haired folks rather than disgust. I washed my hair, all three feet of it, every day of my life for almost fifty years. My curly thick haired mother washed hers twice a week. I admit I was disgusted by the injustice of the situation.
I've been growing my hair out (from a basically military cut) since the pandemic began. One thing I'd forgotten about having longer hair is that, at least with my DNA, it absolutely needs to be washed every day. If I forget, say when I go to bed drunk on a Friday, by Saturday morning it looks like I used it to clean the fryer. Just horrifying, and my scalp goes nuts as well.
I'm German and Scottish, but I've got nothing as far as stereotypes or even facts as to their hair genetics.
My wife is Chinese, I'm Caucasian, our now-adult daughter resembles my racial background far more than her mother's, and daughter sometimes discusses the issue of "passing" as white; she doesn't understand or appreciate why anyone would do it, and is conscientious about identifying as both, making sure to emphasize her Asian heritage. It's something I never think about unless she reminds me, since I see both of them as simply who they are and don't think about it.
TMW you're playing a game, and find out that even in the future coffee vending machines will still be around.
TMW when you're in the local bakery buying cannolis on Sunday (alomg with half the city), Bohemian Rhapsody comes over the radio, one person starts singing under their breath, another sings in a normal voice, one dude starts enunciating, and then the whole bakery is full throating the song from start to finish.
That AWKWARD moment when you're picking up your lunch from a restaurant and people are in suits and nice summer dresses.... You let the first person know you're picking up an order, then 3 more people approach you with "can i help you?" Before directing you to a chair to wait... But as son as you sit down, your order comes and you have to walk back through the diners uncomfortably out of place
Sounds like the restaurant needs to refine their operations. The "Door" is a specific station that should only be monitored by a person or two. Not that everyone else should ignore it, but there should be some confidence that the person responsible for it has handled the guest already with no further intervention needed.
That moment when you're working in the childrens room and playing the Disney Station on Pandora.... And Shaggy's "Wasn't Me" comes on What Disney movie is that in???? Good thing there were no parents and children (or supervisors) in the childrens room at that time! Sheesh!
TMW you spend 40 minutes discussing the prologue to David Eddings Pawn of Prophecy with a coworker who is reading it for the first time, and you both are having a blast with theories and speculations, even going as far as googling a timeline of events (Its been 9 years since ive read it, and back then it wasnt really interesting to me, so re-reading it feels like the first time) Also, TMW another coworker reaches up and touches your hair without permission. I just find it very rude. You can like my hair without touching it....(note: it happens A LOT, especially from older folks who will literally reach across the information desk to touch my hair)
That moment when you're sick of getting in trouble at work because you don't have time to do other people's jobs as well as your own.
TMW when you go from : "I'm having a great day." To "I'm so not in the mood, I will feed you toes first into a paper shredder." That's how my day has gone so far.
I can't even imagine the gall it takes for an adult to do something like that. Child under age six or seven I could see, somebody still hasn't internalized good manners yet, but I'd never touch another adult's hair without asking (unless we were already in a touchy-feely situation, but I'm guessing the information desk doesn't get a lot of those ) I can't really imagine asking to touch someone's hair either, but at least that would have some veneer of good manners.