Hey guys, I just wanted to point out this little tidbit of info on the dwarves: And, by the way, even the southern Scorpion-Clan only know of the dwarves in old legends.
... i'll figure out a work around for the dwarf tomorrow. and thank you for the compliment dustin. its not exactly a clock and mercury, but thats a good way to think of it. anyways, im hitting the sack now.
Ab and I were talking on MSN and we thought up a compromise: the races are still isolated from each other for the most part, the dwarf that helped your character was simply a dwarven explorer who sailed south along the continent
Just because your character is too good to just scrap, I'm going to make an exception. Here's what I was thinking for how the dwarf got there (though it's only a suggestion): Ferreus, as a child, heard Scorpion-Clan legends of a land far to the south and past the seemingly endless desert which harbored a race of giants with pointed ears and could make impossible things happen. He was captivated by these legends, and, as a young man, decided to set out to the south and discover if these legends had any truth to them. He set out with a small crew of suicidal sailors and a small boat with barely 3 months of provisions. After two and a half months of dry, salty, and sandy air, cramped quarters, and threats of suicide, Ferreus and his crew made it to the southern lands. His crew, dismayed that the voyage hadn't killed them, promptly killed themselves (or, in a few cases, not so promptly). Ferreus, unable and unwilling to return home, decided to start a new life on the fringes of the elven empire, studying both the advanced engineering of his race and the magic of the elves. There he met Chalybs and the rest, as they say, is history...
that actually works very well! thank you! i'll edit the details in when i get back from school. i was strating to think something like "he made a flying machine and crashed in the south" but i didn't have any details.
I'm just curious, are our two (or more) characters on opposing sides of the war? For example, Character A could be a human and Charater B could be an Elf; they could be rivals / arch-nemeses and eventually meet in battle or something. I had an interesting backstory planned out where my human character did something to piss off an Elf. That Elf would be my other character. I plan to have a profile up later, but I'm wondering if this idea I had will work out, or if all the stages will be from the human side of the war.
I can't tell you much for fear of giving too much away (I'll let Abcu have those honors, as it's his campaign). However, what I can tell you is that, yes, the two parties will be at odds with each other, and thus rivals are feasible.
I haven't read the profile yet (though I will quite soon) and I don't want to reveal too much, but the other party will not be the elven army. You can be whatever you want so long as it is not invincible, makes sense, and has a proper backstory. Also @ Lorena, is your character a half-genie? Because full genies don't have genders, though can manifest themselves in whatever way they want (In their natural form, genies are a glowing blue mist) I'll be accepting one more profile, and then I'll be starting this female dog up.
You can kill off your character whenever you want, but you will be controlling the character you're making right now for a majority of the RPG. And BTW I forgot to add race to the character template. Please add it to your profile.
Oh, ok. I thought we were going to make others because it says we are going to change them. How come?
oh i just remembered something. i'll kill anyone who steals my "clockwork heart and mercury blood" idea. i mean it.
LOL. A few months ago, I RP'd as a character who could turn into a werewolf with spiked metallic fur, metal fangs and claws, and liquid metal blood. But I'll let you have that one. My version also included an affinity to shooting lightning bolts at people.
see thats different. i get the liquid blood plus metal heart. you can have the cyborg werewolf with lightningbolts
to me or to mouse? my character has a metal "heart" and liquid metal "blood" apparently his character was similar.
Well, we have eight people, so once Fantasy gets her character worked out we can get started Edit: Ab beat me to the punch. DISREGARD THIS POST
ive got something better. infinite weapons chunks o metal + metal manipulation magic = infinite weapons