This was clown 2, the red was added in the small hours of the following morning - by a drunken green fairy. Rgds Mike
There's a place down the hill from us where for a fee you dress up as the general or Al Capone/Wild West for photography with a sepia background. I got it into my head to make a fakey Victoriana post-mortem shot with my eyes pined back and a broom up the jacket-spine. I was pestering my wife, 'it'll be so much fun you can look melancholy aside me, not that you don't look melancholy already, my baby. A baby, maybe we should have a baby as well, dress the cat in a bathing costume.?' I really got imaginative. She wouldn't do the photograph.
Bit of belated Christmas wishes to all, I think Dad and I did well with the Christmas jumpers this year!!! Rgds Mike
Thank you, unfortunately, last October, she suffered a infarct stroke and has been hospitlised ever since.
Oh my, I'm so sorry about that. My mother has had numerous TIAs in the past, so I can relate a little to this.
Sometimes. I do photoshop. I also code c++ (custom programs, etc...) & LUA scripts (game modding mostly, but also others such as macros and other small tasks like that). I also know fortran (for coding chips and stuff) and pascal (for mathematics processing, such as algorithms), but I don't code either of them anymore, they're just a vestige from my engineering days. It's also for my writing on my WIP and I also do a fair bit of gaming on it as well. You?
I love fellow coders and IT people of every kind. Myself, I work with Python, Visual Basic, a little C# and Java in the Unity game engine, and GDScript in the Godot game engine. I, actually, managed to create a fairly nice little AI assistant in Visual Basic not too long ago who can converse a little with me and do simple things; her designation is SARA: semi autonomous research assistant. She's nowhere near Siri or Cortana level yet, but I'm happy with her.
Oh, my apologies for not clarifying. TIA means "transient ischemic attack", it's basically a mini-stroke.
You look what I had always imagined a literary agent would look like when I first started writing Professional, mature, kind . . . Rgds Mike
Older photo. Spoiler: because I'm not wearing a shirt I usually don't wear so much make up and that isn't my natural hair colour and I'm wearing a pair of blue contacts, but it is actually me.
Unbelievable. I anticipate @Carly Berg & @Shenanigator's revelation as pro cage fighters. @jannert as a British army Major. @Moose a ballet dancer. @Homer Potvin the manicurist, @Earp the boy chorister etc...