I had not realised that the novels were not judged, and while this detracts somewhat from my interest level, I still think that it works as a good motivational tool. I am plotting out my story now. I actually have no idea what it takes to write a book in a month, but I welcome the opportunity to try. I posted a synopsis and I dashed off a 'snippet' already, so I am geared up for the kick-off!
They are deliberately not judged. The notion behind Nano is to encourage you to open the floodgates and leave your inner critic bound and gagged in a utility closet for the month. They want you to produce content -- not a polished manuscript, just a raggedy first draft. Do your proofing and cleanup after the month is over, and you've had a restful coma for a couple days. It's not for everyone. I work best when I start each session with a few minutes going back and making changes that occurred to me between sessions. That just won't work with NaNo unless you have a LOT of free time on your hands.
I've got a story idea that would be fun to bang out, so I'm going to do the NaNoWriMo thing for my first time this year. I hope it produces something interesting. The difficult part for me will be, I suspect, learning to leave unpolished edges. I think that's part of why most of my creative work goes slowly - be it writing fiction or producing music.
If you are signed up, add me as a buddy! http://nanowrimo.org/participants/jason-pease Also, give me a link to you and I will add you as well!
I have no idea how to add names without the author's link. Nevermind, I'm an idiot. I figured it out.
You are both invited to the pants party! Which title do you guys like better, "When Our Icons Fall" or just "When Icons Fall"
I have no idea what I'm doing - lol - but here's my link. http://nanowrimo.org/participants/peachalulu/
So here we are, week zero. We still have a handful of days before the clock begins! I will admit that my plot has come a long way, but the middle is signficantly lacking. I need to add more sub-plots or my story is going to fizzle out quickly. Also most of my story is in my head, and I really need to do my chracter sheets. (Look at me, already procrastinating!) Share your week zero issues!
My issues for week zero are that I have no plans, lol. I tend to be a sotp writer so I have no clue what I'm going to do and I never plan things out ahead of time. I also never really title a book until it's at least halfway - even a working title. So... in theory I'm no worse off than I ever am and I'm fighting the urge to plan. Because planning, to me, will end up with me writing - which is cheating. So... That's what week zero looks like for me, lol.
I am finding it hard to go to sleep because I'm doing actual dialogue in my head and creating character sheets by memory and not writing them down. I have figured out how I am going to introduce one of my killers early in the novel to the police without them actually knowing who he is until they meet him again. I have also come up with the profession of the killers, but now I need to figure out the murder weapon. Does anyone know an old wood working tool that could be sharp enough that it could be used to almost cut someone's head off?
Well, that depends... how old? And you mean like one swipe? An ax comes to mind, but that's probably too obvious. A chisel, an adz, tons of saws, etc. I'm not sure of the method or era you're looking for so it's hard to answer. I mean, even a good old claw hammer could if you dig in enough times.....