Took this two days ago. Chania's Old Town: There were lots more sunrays pouring out the clouds. But my phone's camera didn't do a good job of capturing them.
It's tyranny I tell you! Tyranny! Ducks and Mooses everywhere, watching everything we do... Who put the animals in charge of the zoo?
Kitty in Tree She wouldn't let us have the big artificial tree for Christmas last year; eventually it ended up in two pieces on the living room floor and a certain someone gave up on the big tree altogether and resorted back to the small tree on the kitchen table. This one was scaled down to 800 x variable but maybe 640 x variable is better. I'm just using links in lieu of attachments so I suppose the size doesn't matter as much as long as it's not ridiculously large - from now on I think maybe 640 though.
Alright, thanks for letting me know. I could see it on both phone and computer. Did not work on a phone browser where I had adblock on. Must be facebook that is odd.
This is Trouble. She's 16 years old today, and like any other 16 year old, spent the day asleep until lunchtime.
This one I can see, and it looks really nice! There's a lot of white space above it, as big as the picture is. But I can see the picture. I scrolled up and I can also see your first one, again under a blank white rectangle. I guess the Insta versions work for me but not the Facebook ones. Both pictures look really good.
I can't see either, but at least the instagram one has the decency to tell me that I can't see their images unless they're allowed to own me I see a URL with the text "Cannot load Instagram. Disable any adblocker or tracking protection and try again." Er, no. That's why I have the adblocker... to block ads not to disable it when some content provider has a hissy.
It is strange, because as far as I know, neither Fb nor Insta are actually trying to show any ads via linked images. May try to upload somewhere else in the future. The problem is that I don't want my paid for illustrations to end up on random image hosting sites. (Which I realize they will eventually since they are on the internet.) I'm more comfy with uploading them on places where they have a connection to one of my profiles or usernames.
This is me, taken two days ago. I ran it through one of those age guessing apps and it thought I was 14 (and a female, to boot): (Deleted) Well, I went out and got a haircut yesterday. Have thrown that other haircut out the window (no wonder I was having no luck in the dating scene). Not to mention have gotten rather tired of my family commenting about how young I look - I am about to turn 51. This photo was taken today: (Deleted)