Never eaten a Corn dog??? You can find recipes online and make your own if you guys don't have them in Finlandia. Do you guys have them? 0.0 Dang I don't even like them that much, but now I want one... grrr...
@Andrae Smith, we actually have them at pretty much every gas station, but Kat's just such a health food fanatic that she hasn't managed to psyche herself to buy one yet.
@T.Trian I never would have guessed, though it makes a lot of sense. But it's oookay, they really are not the healthiest of food choices out there. Every now and again though, I might crave one just because. I don't think I've eaten a corn dog in a few years, and this discussion really makes me want to go to the store and buy some... But everything is closed right about now and I'm pretty broke. I'll stick to my cereal this week and hopefully this craving passes. lol
I have no idea. I think I could make those, or if I'd even like them 'cause I don't really even eat hot dogs, unless it's, like, bratwurst wrapped in cabbage (that sounded less German in my head). Edit @T.Trian : WE DO?? I never noticed. Honest. But since corn dogs seem to make people happy, I should probably have one
I really don't eat hot dogs at all. In fact, most often the very concept of a hot dog disturbs me... but sometimes a fancy hot dog or a simple corn dog tempt me. They are generally pretty good. I would never have guessed a hot dot wrapped in cornbread and love would be such a nice treat. It's a simple sort of pleasure.
It's kind of like, oh that little boy said corn dogs make people happy, I MUST HAVE ONE! (even if the meat percentage is around 5, topped off with loads of carbs). Or when someone has a steaming takeaway coffee on some TV show. Must... make... coffee. Colonel O'Neill is eating Froot-Loops! Must... have... frootloops. Dean Winchester is eating pie! Must... find... pie... And so on. Sorry about the thread hijack. Bad manners.
Ah, you buy into the advertisement just a little huh? It's okay, we're consumers lol. Yes sorry about the thread-jacking. That's some real bad manners right there.
Afaic, often people on advertisements are annoying, look stupid, and can't act to save their life (over here anyway), but if it's a cool character, like Scully having takeaway, you must have it too 'cause maybe, just maybe some of that coolness rubs off on you...
You can make a homemade batter out of cornmeal, and get an all-grass fed beef hotdog. Or use a sausage if you prefer. Then you can either bake or fry (fry if you want it more original tasting). But you know what's better than hotdog in the middle? CHEESE. Yep. I went there.