I wouldn't attempt to write romance, or a crime thriller. It's not what i enjoy reading so i know i wouldn't enjoy writing it.
I'd write about any genre, but I wouldn't write something with a predictable plot. No, cookie cutter stories for me. And if I can fit in some blood, gore, and stuff that even scares the crap out of myself, that's all the better.
I wouldn’t say never write for anything, and I’m willing to have a go at most things, after all it can only improve you as a writer however there are genres I wouldn’t touch now due to obvious reasons, as someone has already stated the vampire romance thing has been pretty much murdered by twilight and the ilk (Although I have written this in the past, many, many moons ago when twilight didn’t even exist, those were the days) and the dan brown-esque thriller, cum history lesson come crap type novels that have also sprung up will also be a biog no as they have been done to death. I also try to stay away form fan fiction as although I dabbled as a child it is a bit unproductive as it doesn’t further your writing in anyway as for topics however I’m game for anything and difficult and controversial topics are better as there is a challenge involved in writing them correctly
For me there's a difference between not likely to write and outright refuse to write. I'm not likely to write a romance novel (romance in a story is fine, but not the main point) or a novel in the first person. I have no interest in either. I flat out refuse to write smut or anything that's particularly gratitous since I feel that takes away from the writing itself. Certainly I'd write stuff with very heavy themes, enjoy doing so in fact, but to me, there's a certain level of quality that is lost when the writing degenerates into something mindless or downright stupid.
I wouldn't write any books that weren't politically themed. But in all seriousness: extreme sex, extreme violence, or extreme Uwe Boll.
Good question. I don't like to do anything with overly graphic scenes of any sort, and I don't do M-rated content, because I don't like to read it or write it. So I just won't.
I can't write women charecters and tend to avoid them where possible, you women are just too complex at times
I wouldn't write genre-romance either. Nothing with vampires, because after the Twilight Saga, I felt it became overdone when a lot of other people began writing vampire stories. Probably nothing non-fictional, because I don't especially want to do the research (this excludes any school work I may do it depends, I guess). I still want to try my hand at a serious sci-fi story, without intermingling fantasy into it like I have some of my earlier stories and messing it up.
There's nothing I wouldn't write, as I write for a purpose. If something I'm writing promotes a good cause, one that isn't entirely political or religious, then I'll write anything that would add to the plot. That's not to say that I enjoy writing the more violent scenes, I don't. But I'm able to do it, and more often than not, people say it gets the point across. It does take a long time to write it properly, though.
I've been sort of ruminating over this for a few weeks now. My initial reaction to the question was, "Nothing! Everything is fair game, under the right circumstances." Then I thought, "No. Child abuse and child porn". Then that consideration of "right circumstances" caught me and I realized that, again, "No. Nothing is off-limits." Of course, I don't think I could right anything glorifying child abuse or kiddie porn but the subject matter itself is doable. Like many before me, I like to leave the door open to whatever may whet my palate and pique my curiosity. I don't foresee vampire novels or sci-fi or bodice-ripping romance but ... (oops! there's that ubiquitous ellipsis!) I never know where the future will lead me so I like to stay open to anything and everything! Now, as to the research - controversy - boredom - hard work - or commercial viability those things are never a consideration for me. Controversy is almost a mainstay of literature. If it's boring to you, it'll be boring to a reader so just don't do it! Hard work isn't hard work if you enjoy the work. And, whether or not it is commercially viable now doesn't mean the market won't support it at some time in the future and, yeah or nay, I'd write it anyway if it moves me.
Writing the other gender is often tough. Lots of guys have trouble writing good female charactors. Sadly, a lot of females think they can write interesting men and their charactors often come across unmanly and flat to me. My favorite kinds of writing always seem to have really interested charactors of both genders...but even amoung the better published work sometimes these books are in the minority.
There is a ton of truth in these words. I find lots of books that I love turn to be rather boring after the author is successful and is writing for money and out of a need to be a writer. A good example of this is the "Alice" series, by Phillis Reynolds Naylor. I have three girls, all of whom have read the series. All of them have been like "read this its good..." But as the number of books has increased the creativity in my mind has decreased, and thus my interest in the series. Another author I suffered this with was Len Deighton...his early work was great, but after a certain point he seemed to be just going through the motions with his writing. But Deightons book "Bomber" will probably always be my all time favorite book.
Sex scenes, or any refrence to sex scenes. Maybe that'll change as I grow older, but I can't stand the thought of trying. I was going to write a werewolf story including schizophrenia but that was too much research to do in GCSE years (although I'm A Level-ing Psychology so it might tie in there). Also, things I find boring: over 200 pages without someone pulling out a gun, slamming someone against a wall or having to run for their life (best if it's over rooftops). Politics is also a massive one. I just don't get half of it. Lastly, fan fiction from a single film. A saga is okay, as is a television series, but I never really connect with characters to write a load about them from 90 minutes of them. Perhaps I'm watching the wrong films...
Agree totally, though my example would be Anne Rice and her Vampire Chronicles. There's just so much of them! And she seemed just to tail off to me.
Even though I posted this thread it has taken me a while to come to my own conclusion. Reading everyones replies has helped and I think I couldn't write a) anything that doesn't interest me b) anything factual novels I could write articles, but not an entire novel based on true events.
I will never write without 1.) a phoenix in it in some form, be it live or symbolic. 2.) a really cute female character. 3.) a hint of romance. I will never write 1.) anything with vampires or werewolves. 2.) romance and/or drama as the main genre. 3.) anything with a main character under 18. 4.) anything with a main character character who is smart but weak, or strong but dumb. THat's all I can think up of for now. Oh, and I hate formal writing even though the tone in my writing is formal. XD
Smut. Or anything with sexual implications, at that. I write a bit of romance, and I tire of reading romance books that only focus of the sexual part of a relationship. Which is basically any popular romance book out now. Plus, I'm just not comfortable with writing anything sexual in general.
I would never write about politics. What an awful subject. Unless we're talking about corruption. Gimme.