I used to write sort of like that, but rather than exclamation points, my signature was parenthetical comments. And I knew how to use paragraphs. So if I wrote Antigua, it would look a bit more like this: The Dragon Voltrarr let out such a loud roar that everyone in the easternmost, westernmost, and southernmost (but not the northernmost) kingdoms of the Land of Antigua heard him. The gigantic monster spit out fire right from his nostrils (and his mouth, too). The creature flew through the skies like a rocket.
Poe's Law. But there are plenty of other examples of unintentionally bad fanfiction if you want to read them.
there are also plenty of examples of unintentionally bad literature, poetry, screenplays, and artwork of all kinds. I do get annoyed with people seeing "My Immortal" and using it as an excuse to trash fanfiction and fanfic writers (as I've seen happening in this thread, in fact). also--going by Poe's Law? no, it's obviously a parody. I've read my share of unintentionally bad fanfic; "My Immortal" is working at it way too hard. it's not exactly Swiftian in its subtlety. poorly-crafted writing of any kind tends to be lazy in certain ways, but (just to pick an example I noticed while skimming it) the author went to far too much trouble finding and using alternatives to "said." if it had been written in earnest, it's much more likely they would have picked two or three terms and stuck with them, rather than ranging all over the place with--well, this: most of the rest of the Internets seems to have taken it at face value as well, which I find mildly depressing.
This was mostly referring to earlier comments, but honestly, it's all said in jest. And (I'll admit it) in the hope I'll annoy someone.
At-least Ayn Rand has a positive message in her works. What does Twilight tell us that is mentally stimulating other then the fact Stephanie Meyer might be high on LSD? Or EL James for writing sick torture and calling it a story? Ayn actually cared about writing.That's what should set her apart from those two.
Books, stories, novels don't have to be mentally stimulating, not everyone reads to learn something just like not all TV programmes and films have to be made for the discovery channel. Some people like to read (and watch) purely for the escapism of something, to get away from real life and all it's hassles and some people enjoy reading the taboo subjects on things that they would never do/try/admit to liking in their own lives, a little bit like watching through someone's keyhole. That's where Stephanie Meyer and E L James fit in. Ayn Rand is set apart from Meyer and James in the same way that they themselves are set apart from King, Brown and Townsend. They all have their own places within the literary world and should not be thought any less of as authors simply because they don't write anything that 'floats your boat'.
I would love it if anyone would go to this link and critique what I'm writing I've only done a couple of things and it's on wattpad. I have two different "books". One is kind of like a published diary and is supposed to have a weird/Erie style to it and one is about the life of a girl who is growing up but continually running into some terrible situations. I need some criticism or some reviews. Anything would be great just don't be rude. If it's not your writing style then simply state what could be better please. http://www.wattpad.com/JtMccoy
Sorry, McCoy, but I'm not going to just pop to a linked website...why don't you post an extract on here so that we can critique it?
I'd like to thank everyone for this thoroughly entertaining and insightful thread. I laughed till I cried. I have samples of my early writing from twenty-one years ago. Even the worst of it is better than some of the stuff in 'Antigua'. This thread has restored my hope.
Maybe she should have posted parts of his work in the workshop. Also getting beta readers would be a good idea. Reviews were fun to read too.
Wow that is bad - I felt like I had a headache after just ten lines. (I took the decision not to finish that sentence with an exclamation mark)
Erm ... I'm more perturbed that wattpad knows me and my book, has the blurb up there and is informing me of 61 reads (whatever that means?) I can't even remember setting up a wattpad account!
i am in awe of vorltrarr's's balls of fire. that being said, can anyone truly say where the line is between art and something that would be better at the bottom of a well, never to be seen by humanity? i think we have found that line.
Not to necro an old thread (someone else has done that for me), but wow, this is that particular type of fascinatingly bad that defies all reason. I can understand people who are just poor writers, but some of it just makes me wonder why they made such baffling decisions. Rebecca whispered, "Billy I explained all this to you! I told you that I'm going to come back and get you. We won't be separated for long. I promise! I have to do this! I have to do this for both of us! I have to go away and make a new life for us both! " "They used exclamation marks even for quiet dialogue!" Void whispered to himself. "Why? Exclamation marks are used to denote loud dialogue! Whispering should at very least be the one place for them to get over their exclamation mark fetish!"
While I understand your reasoning and yes, there are too many in that sentence for my liking, the exclamation point is not exclusive to showing volume/loudness, it's also used to show strong feelings, something which you can do in a whisper. Like when you whisper through gritted teeth to your children in the cinema half way through a film "Will you bloody stop it with that damn crisp packet!"