Well one of my own oddest quirks is that I am deathly afraid of spiders. I wont even go into a room where i have seen a spider in the past day. I won't touch anything that a spider had been crawling on, and I swear they are trying to kill me in my sleep. However, despite all this....I love tarantulas and want one as a pet...I would go even so far as to say they are down right adorable...strange right XD
?!?!?!?!?!? I am an arachnophobe to the highest degree, except I'm moderately slighty maybe OK with the teeny ones and terrified of the big ones. *shudder*
see for me thew smaller the spider the more scared of them I become because most small spiders tend to be the more poisonous then say a tarantula or at least in my area...infact there are no poisonous tarantulas in my area only safe ones ^.^ thus my love for them!
Spiders are fine... but the daddy long legs, which are not spiders, scare the crap out of me. Which is backwards, as it is (certain) spiders which carry venom, not daddy long legs, contrary to popular belief.
When I'm bored or carrying out a monotonous task, I will randomly start tapping my feet to a rhythm. I also hold my pen in a weird way . I'm the opposite; I'm OK with daddy long legs, but any other spiders scare me (except the really, really small ones).
Im crap scared of Wasps (Not so much bee's) Ican Handle snakes, spiders, sharks and crocodies and even rude people, but Wasos i cannot. If i see one in the yard, you'll oftensee me heading inside for safety. I had the Nose they make and unlike other creatures they are so %$#@!#$ random in the flight. One second they are flying away, then the next their flying directly towards youtr head. I also had a wasp next with about a hundred of them and it got to the stage where if i got within 10 metres of their hive they would all fly out and try and kill me. HATE them! Give me a spider, shark or rude person any day
If I accidentally (yes, accidentally) start thinking up a story in bed, I won't be able to go to sleep until I finish it at least mentally. I'm not even kidding. I lose a lot of sleep like this.
I am the exact same way!! I am terrified of wasps, bees (the stinging ones--the fat fuzzy ones I don't mind at all), anything like that. Because, as you said, their flight is so RANDOM, that you have no idea if they're going to suddenly fly at you or what. On the other hand, I love snakes. And scorpions. For some odd reason those don't scare me at all. I actually do like them. But any spider, and NONONONO!!!
My fear of things that move randomly does not stop at wasps/bees (I am terrified of wasps, though...bad experiences). Moths terrify the hell out of me. Crickets and grasshoppers freak me out because I can't ever tell where they will hop to next. Even June bugs scare me, and they're totally harmless (though big and ugly and creepy looking).
I have a bit of OCD, and sometimes I just can't let things go. It makes it hard for me to keep relationships sometimes... gah.
I would like a trampoline. I dont think I'd trust myself with my iPod on a trampoline. I'm notorious for getting "boo-boos."
I have to have music when I'm jumping, plus it gives my hands something to hold onto. Otherwise they just dangle and I feel stupid.
I really hate people touching me if i'm eating, lolol. It's just annoying. Or if they keep on asking me questions or talking when I've got a mouthful of food - that's equally annoying. Matt does both of these things. I must strangle him.
I'll talk to myself, in front of someone else just moments after our conversations ends. It's usually about how the conversation went.
I forgot this one. I flip out if people I don't know or people I do know that I am not comfortable with stand within my three foot bubble of personal space. People standing in line waiting for something is usually a good example of this. They keep edging up behind you, really close like, and then you move forward a foot trying to keep some distance between the person in front of you and the person behind you. Then the jerk behind you moves towards you again by another six inches. I had one guy doing this when I worked a the ski resort and was picking up my season ski pass (also my employee card). He kept moving forward so that he was just a few inches from my back. It creeped me out thoroughly, he was old and grody. Finally I snapped. I turned around and screamed at him, "I moved up a bit for a reason. THREE FOOT BUBBLE! Back off before I beat it into you." I was twirling around waving my arms out as an example of the three foot bubble. The man looked very scared, and the friend I was with was looking at me like I was a lunatic. The guy backed off...more than three feet. I've had less explosive encounters with people in my space, but that was the worst one to date. Edit: Close talkers also apply to this. People that get right in your face when they're talking for no good reason. I slapped a guy for that once. I quit my job a few minutes later, but it did feel good to leave a hand print on the side of his head. I wasn't the only one he did it too, he did to everyone, male or female. I heard later on that he stopped this behavior after I slapped him and a gay male employee charged him with harassment. lol
I'm so with you. One of the things that drives me craziest at work is when I pass a customer and say "are you doing ok?" and they take that as an invitation to come stand chest-to-chest with me and ask me if I know where they can find something.
I cannot stand to be fed. People, especially little old ladies and boyfriends, think it's cute to hold out a fork and say, "You've got to try this". Then they come at me with the fork with an awful look of expectation on their horribly-near faces. And I'm suppose to open my mouth and let them stick said fork in. Ack! I am trying to get over this quirk, as many people in addition to little old ladies and awkard dates try to feed me. The consequence is that I sometimes will take a nibble. But, in my timidity, I always knock the darn food off the fork. It invariably lands on my boob. Usually the left one. There, I have a stain for all time.
When I write, I have to have some sort of background noise: TV or music. Although I'm sure I'm not the only one .
Whenever I hear Journey (namely "Don't Stop Believin'") I HAVE to dance or make some kind of movement. It's my team's official pump-up song. We all have to dance.