
Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Gigi_GNR, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Hsnodgrass

    Hsnodgrass New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    I always take the labels off of plastic bottles and the pop tops off of cans.
  2. ChimmyBear

    ChimmyBear Writing for the love of it. Contributor

    Apr 30, 2008
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    I have so many..let's see.

    ~I play a new song on repeat for days on end. I know it annoys my family but I can't help myself.

    ~When playing cards I compulsively keep the deck neat and perfectly straight.

    ~I always place a clean napkin completely over my plate when I'm done eating at a restaurant. For some reason my family always tell me not to do that.

    ~I keep everything sentimental, I mean everything, right down to receipts. I have several shoeboxes full of stuff.
  3. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    That would drive me up a wall too. :)

    Aren't you afraid of wearing a groove into your brain?
  4. Forkfoot

    Forkfoot Caitlin's ex is a lying, abusive rapist. Contributor

    Jan 27, 2008
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    Well hell, just delete the whole darn thing then.
  5. hiddennovelist

    hiddennovelist Contributor Contributor

    Feb 25, 2009
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    I take the labels off plastic bottles, too. I don't really drink soda, though, so I don't remember if I used to always take the tabs off.

    I play new songs on repeat, too. Drives Joel nuts.

    And I don't put a clean napkin over my plate when I'm done at restaurants, but I usually pile all the dishes on top of each other and then put any straw wrappers, used napkins, etc on top of them. I like to clean things up before they come to clear the table.
  6. Mercurial

    Mercurial Contributor Contributor

    Jan 16, 2009
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    I think everyone is pretty idiosyncratic about the way they eat their Oreo cookies, yes?

    I must always have an odd number of Oreos. That first one I let sit into the milk until it begins to crumble into a soggy mess, leaving the milk cookie-y and chocolate-y. Then one half will be dunked in the milk and eaten; the other half will be split apart. I'll scrap all the icing off and then eat the cookie bits dry. I alternate between the dunking and the splitting until the oreos are gone.

    If I just have one oreo, I will dunk it.

  7. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI
    Everybody eats their Oreos differently, that's why they're so beloved. I always eat as many as I want--some would say TOO many, but there is no such thing!--and I always twist off one of the halves, lick the cream all gone and then eat the chocolatey parts. I don't dunk Oreos in milk. I do that with my Chips Ahoy.
  8. bluebell80

    bluebell80 New Member

    May 20, 2009
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    HAHA....Oreos. I have different moods with those. If I don't have milk handy (say got a 4 pack out of a vending machine) then I twist them open, lick the centers out, and nibble on the cookie part. If I have milk, I will twist open the first cookie, eat the center, dunk the cookie parts, but then every cookie after that will just get dunked with the middles intact.

    Occasionally, during warm weather, I like to stick them in the freezer, then pull the whole centers out of them and eat the center and crumble the cookies on top of vanilla ice cream.

    I also thought of a couple of strange things I do.

    This one annoys both my kids and hubby: When watching TV I must mute the commercials. I also am constantly adjusting the volume when watching a movie, turning down the loud music parts, or loud exploding parts, and turning up the talking parts.

    I also open gifts carefully. I don't tear the paper off all willy-nilly, I untape it and barely tear the paper. I always save gift bags and recycle them for other people's gifts.

    I only pick my nose with my pinky finger. However, the nail is as short as my other nails.

    On that topic, I always keep my nails short, but I must file them with a nail file, because I can't stand jagged edges.

    As a girl, this might sound odd, but I only shave my legs every few weeks in the winter time... I have rather blond hair so it isn't that noticeable, and I never shave above my knees. The arm pits however must be shaved at least every other day. I can't stand arm pit hair.

    I am forever trying to bake things. Cookies, bread, cakes... But for some reason I don't like to follow recipes. So only every now and then does something come out good, and then I forget to write down what I did, so I can never duplicate it! I did write down an awesome bread recipe that I concocted, and a chocolate cake, but I can't figure out how I made soft chewy cookies years ago. I also tend to be an "add a little of this and that" to stuff. It works great for general meals, but baking has to be precise.

    Man, I didn't realize how weird I was until I started writing these things down, but I'm an odd ball. Good thing I'm in good company here. :p
  9. Xeno

    Xeno Mad and Bitey Contributor

    Jun 28, 2008
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    Stratford-upon-Avon, England
    Do not give me a tape measure. I shall unwind it all into an area that is not big enough to contain it, take the catch off, and run away.

    Every time.

  10. hiddennovelist

    hiddennovelist Contributor Contributor

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Picturing you doing this made me laugh.

    I was going to bed last night, and I noticed a couple things that I've always done and never really thought about. First off, when I'm going to bed, I have to be all the way on the bed-like my arm or foot can't be hanging off the side of the bed. I don't know how this thought ever came into my head, but I remember as a child I thought if my arm was hanging off the bed, this big guillotine-like piece of metal would swing down and chop it off. Obviously I don't still think that, but I am still unable to go to sleep with anything hanging off the bed. Also, I can sleep with my hand uncovered if the palm of my hand is face down on the mattress, but if my hand is palm up, I have to have it covered by a blanket, a pillow, or something else. I have no idea why.
  11. bluebell80

    bluebell80 New Member

    May 20, 2009
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    Hidden, me too. Though not the slicing off thing, but like ghosts or Freddy might hop out from under the bed and pull me under. Also the story at the end of Cats Eye the King movie scared the crap out of me when I was a kid, so I can't stand to have any bit of sheet, blanket or bedspread hanging down and touching the floor. You'd think as a grown woman I wouldn't be scared of these things anymore, but for some reason they persist in my over active imagination! I'm a big chicken poop.
  12. hiddennovelist

    hiddennovelist Contributor Contributor

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Me too. So at least we're not alone in being little scaredy cats. :)
  13. Zcreative

    Zcreative New Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    Pennsylvania, USA
    I hate bad handwriting.

    I hate when people write in all caps.

    When I write I mix cursive and print.

    I can never use the last line on the bottom of a sheet of lined paper.

    I fix people's work when things aren't capitalized.

    Dry hands skive me.

  14. CDRW

    CDRW Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    Well of course, that's just practical. That's going to get beat up and torn off when you put it in your textbook cover for storage and throw it all into the backpack. ;)
  15. Ragnar

    Ragnar Member

    May 2, 2009
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    The Mental Abyss
    You WHAT? I hope you mean trying to read it and not the actual bad handwriter.
  16. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI
    When I was little and occasionally went to bed late at night (I do that every night now, but back then I didn't) I'd have to take a running leap to get onto my bed, because every time I thought of getting close to my bed in the dark, I always imagined the clown under the bed from Poltergeist would get me. I don't think like that anymore, but that used to happen to me all the time.

    Oh, and when I eat Chips Ahoy, I can't eat even one without dunking it in milk. That doesn't apply to any other cookie in the world, though. Strangely it's just Chips Ahoy.
  17. bluebell80

    bluebell80 New Member

    May 20, 2009
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    Gigi, Pennywise from Steven King's It used to scare the crap out of me, I think I was about 8 or 9 when I watched it. Chucky from Child's Play still bothers me, as do any types of dolls that have eyes that open and close or make sounds. I remember freaking out over one of my kids stuffed Winnie the Pooh toys that talked and moved it's nose. One night it started doing it all on it's own. Needless to say I tore the batteries out of that sucker.

    I also can't close my eyes while in the shower, because for some reason I feel like a ghost or something is going to be in there with me and try to kill me in the shower. It's totally irrational fear.
  18. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI

    Chucky bothers me, too. I've only ever seen the doll, never watched the movie, and yet it still disturbs me. I did read Night of the Living Dummy by RL Stine, and it's the very idea that a beloved doll can try to kill you that creeps me out.

    As for that Pooh Bear, I HAVE THAT!! That's funny. I always thought the way he moved his nose was adorable, and I never thought he was scary. Mainly because it's Pooh Bear, the epitome of wonderful and nice. Also, I ADORE Pooh Bear. :D

    EDIT: That shower thing happens with me, too!! Except it's only after I've seen a particularly scary movie. After that, I can't close my eyes in the shower for the exact same reason. I've gotten a lot of soap in my eyes because of that.
  19. Speedy

    Speedy Contributor Contributor

    Jul 18, 2008
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    I once had a Fragle Rock(so) puppet that hung over the coset doors. When i turned my night light on it cast HUGE shadows. The first night i slept under the sheets. The next day I through the puppet in the bin. (During the day it slept of course).

    I also had a HUGE toy box/chest with everything in their. I used to be fine grabbing all my toys until i would always find the drummer from the Muppets (Muppet show) in there, than i would shut the lip and tell my mum to get what toy i wanted.

    I think i was 14 or 15

    maybe not, more like 4 or 5 (I cant even remember my mum buying my the drummer puppet (I did love him on the show, just not in the toy box)
  20. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Child's Play and its sequels (the Chucky movies) are dark comedies. R.L. Stine is a hack -- my KIDS were rolling their eyes and laughing at the dialogue in the Goosebumps books, including the Living Dummy books, back when they were in their early teens.

    The killer doll story has been around quite a while. One of the scariest was in Trilogy of Terror (1975). Another, not quite as gruesome, was the 1963 Twilight Zone story Living Doll.

    If you think about it, it's all related to a primal image -- man's creations in his own image turning on him. It's the Frankenstein story, and may even be an iconic religious parable.
  21. Xeno

    Xeno Mad and Bitey Contributor

    Jun 28, 2008
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    Stratford-upon-Avon, England
    I talk to myself. Like, all the time.

    Especially if I'm alone in the house and there's no music or radio playing. It's not any sort of psychotic talking to yourself, just thinking aloud, but all the time.

    Like just now, while I was making something to eat and I loudly soliloquised why Hold Your Colour by Pendulum should be the national anthem of The United Kingdom, and then went onto a brief description of the history of Berwick-upon-Tweed.

    Then my stepdad entered the room and started making lunch. :D
  22. bluebell80

    bluebell80 New Member

    May 20, 2009
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    Gigi, The Pooh bear doll didn't scare me till it started shorting out and wiggling and talking all by itself with no one squeezing it! My hubby thought I was being a neurotic

    Cog, I still think the scariest two shows I've seen with living dolls is that one episode of X-files where it is just Scully in a town up on the coast of New England somewhere...the doll came from the ocean and couldn't be destroyed. And this one movie, my mom and I watched one night, it was set in England, a group of teenagers break down outside this elderly couples cottage. The man in the cottage made marionettes and they all came to life and butchered most of the group. I don't know why that one scared me to death, but it did and I can't remember the name of it.

    Edit: I think even though I don't believe much in the supernatural, being an atheist and all, I still have a little bit of doubt when it comes to ghosts and nasty spiritual type energy things. I've seen a ghost before, though I can't be sure, so there is still some room in my mind for something strange out there to get me.
  23. hiddennovelist

    hiddennovelist Contributor Contributor

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Hahaha there's a guy I work with (he's a little out there...) who constantly talks to himself. I'll be sitting in the back, minding my business, and then I'll hear the door open, followed by a never-ending stream of muttered conversation. It always makes me laugh a little bit.
  24. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI

    I know. RL Stine is one of the worst authors ever. It was just the idea, like I said, of the doll coming to life and turning on you. You're absolutely right, it is like the Frankenstein idea.

    Another scary thing is the "scary children" movies (The Omen, Orphan, etc). It's so scary to think of innocent kids being murderers.
  25. luckyprophet

    luckyprophet New Member

    Aug 11, 2009
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    I'd like to be nearby Jupiterian
    I hate telephone! If ever I live alone, I'll have an answering machine, and people at home get nuts with me because I NEVER answer the phone. (Only the mobile one.) & actually, there are only three people who call me sometimes in the home one, so, I have reason to NEVER answer it, and I hate to do it! Just hate it! :mad:

    Er ... 'got a little too carried away for my feelings on the matter :D ... (sorry :( )

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