Master Name: Travis Walken Gender: Male Age: 25 Appearance: A tall american man of a very athletic constitution. He wore sandals and yellow shorts with a chain attacked to it's pocket. On his top a blue jacket with white fur on it and strange patterns imprinted on the design. He has two rings on the index and middle finger of his left hand, and also a bracelet on his left wrist. His right arm is completely shrouded from shoulder to hand. His eyes are green, and his hair blonde and short, he also have a pair of earrings. Background: A daredevil magus who self impose to him numerous nigh impossible challenges. Today is considered a mix of a rumor and legend. He had beat a dead apostle by himself. Fought a legendary mage of the clock tower and survived. Discovered lost mythical beast. Expose himself to dangerous magecraft. Visit dangerous lands, etc. All this as a method of self satisfaction. His personality is very arrogant, but carefree. Abilities: Won't tell xD Origin: Self challenge
@Asune: Alright.......I'll do it later...... By the way when Travis goes to register Dexter's going to think he's gay.
so can we begin the game ? and berserker in fate/stay night is hercules so why the rule about Demigods ?
Name: ??? Class: Beserker Gender: Male Appearance: A huge, powerful behemoth of a man, he stands over 6" tall and wears traditional Spartan armor -or what little of it there is. His helm covers all of his face and leaves only his blood-shot eyes to be seen, making it even harder to identify him. Biography: ??? Noble Phantasm: ??? Noble Phantasm rank: A++ Noble Phantasm range: Anti-Unit Strength: A Agility: A Mana: E Luck: C Endurance: A Unique skills: ....................Bulk -Does not feel pain when Mad Enhancement is active. (B) ....................Guardian- Whenever "Blank" is threatened his speed is heightened. (C) ....................Blood Craze- Keeps him from losing his target when Mad Enhancement is active. (A) ....................Heft - Cannot be pinned down by another Servant strength-wise. (A+) ....................Battle Cry- He roars to the sky and summons fallen members of his armies to uses them as a weak assist. (D) ....................Bravery- Cannot be fazed by mental attacks. (A) ....................Terror's Heart- Grows in size and becomes more powerful and fearsome, resembling an angry god. (B+) ....................Divinity- Claims to be a descendant of a god (C) ---------------------------------------------- Name: Vladimir Katturr (Known as Blank) Age: 13 Magic Specialization: He can make any place pitch-black and full of mist, and uses shadows to cloak his appearance and keep him hidden from others. No light can exist whenever he is around, and whenever he is in daylight, he goes completely invisible. The only chance you have at seeing him is if your manage to corner him in the dark, and even then it is extremely hard. Appearance: He is completely hidden within a long black cloak, and the only other feature is a pure white mask without any holes on his face. Otherwise, he is of average height but seems thin and wispy, and is very quick to vanish once spotted. Biography: Born and raised in the slums, he was abandoned at infancy to an orphanage. Up until age three, he was never paid much attention to and was oft neglected actually -leaving him thin and pale compared to the other healthy children who were often adopted, whereas he was simply a ghost in the hall. Then, he discovered his abilities. It had been a perfectly normal day, but then someone actually took a notice in him and started to bully him. Wishing for darkness to come and swallow him up, he was startled to see that it did, scaring away everyone within three blocks as a massive cloud blocked out the sun and shadows seemed to come to life.
Only for servants, and i got stuck with Beserker actually but.... needless to say i am not flexible in my writing for nothing!
@Kiet, I'm looking forward to seeing your berserker in action And I think I have an idea of who he is too
drat. He is a bit obvious actually. :redface: either way look out! Fast and powerful is a lethal combo!
Overseer The overseer of the Grail War is the person who is normally (always) stationed at the church in Fuyuki. His job is simple he makes sure all the participants register, makes sure the war remains a secret, he's also there to answer questions as long as they a reasonable and of course offers safe shelter at the church to anyone out of the war. This year due to the events of the last war no priest would take job as overseer in this war. So the church brought in an outside 3rd party on short notice to overseer this war. Overseer:Dexter Craftian Age: 30 Bio: "Shit come on by now everybody knows me." Magic Specialization: ???????
About time I join for real, huh? Servant Name: ??? Class: Archer Gender: Female Appearance: She wears the armor of a Chinese warrior and helmet with an opening, revealing a hardened, rugged face. Her stature is small, but strong with shoulder-length black hair slicked back in a ponytail at the nape of her neck. Dark eyes that have seen much death and destruction. Biography: ??? Noble Phantasm: ??? Noble Phantasm rank: A+ Noble Phantasm range: Anti-Unit Strength: B Agility: A+ Mana: D Luck: B Endurance: A Unique skills: Chinese Bow and Arrows--Of course, her speciality. She's a sharp-shooter with good aim. (A+) Poison Arrows--Ability to numb an attacked area for a brief period (B) Flaming Arrows--Ability to light her arrows on fire to erupt on contact (B) Bravery--Ability to avoid mental interference such as pressure, confusion, or fascination (B) Fan of Freedom--Distracting decorative fan that she can toss like a boomerang, returning back to her after a strike (E) Charisma--Ability to naturally command an army, drawing highest popularity and respect. Helpful with groups. (A) Disengage--Ability to separate herself from combat (C) ------ Master Name: Serena "Lyric" Asher Age: 20 Magic Specialization: Gonna make you guess, but her nickname suits her well. Appearance: Lyric stands at about 5'6, but wears knee-high, black heeled boots. Her sleek black hair falls mid-back, cut in a choppy scene style with long bangs that frame her tan skin. Her eyes are a soft brown that she enhances with thick black eyeliner. She has a slim figure and her fashion is no-fuss: tight jeans, black V-neck tee, and crimson leather jacket with many hidden inside pockets for all her necessities, namely her revolver. Biography: Lyric always disliked her family, thinking fate must have made a mistake. She didn't seem the type to have Magnus blood, from her mom's side. Sure magic was nice and all, but not when you're told what to do and how to do it. Her parents wanted her to be the proper young lady she was not. They wanted a perfect daughter that would reach the top of the chain, working hard for their benefit, shining light on the family name. But in reality, Lyric was the exact opposite of who they thought she was and she couldn't be controlled. With her rebellious heart, she ran away from home after high school to live a wild lifestyle of her own. Parties were the new norm and soon she got caught up in a gang of girls who were all after the same thing: attention. They wanted the spotlight, even if their name was on a police report. But again Lyric was constantly being told how she should act, how she should feel, who she should be. After no more than two weeks, she ran away from them too, always looking for better. Always looking for more. She wanted to be satisfied, fulfilled; but the friends she met just weren't cutting it. Plus she wasn't exactly rich. And that's when her inner manipulative nature kicked in. Although she wouldn't allow people to tell her what to do; that didn't mean she couldn't. Her views needed to be heard in the world. Using her "unique" conversation skills, Lyric took up being a con-artist, scamming with every friendly smile...that is, until now. Lyric's party theme:
@CK: Sort of.... Lancer-Female Saber-Female Archer-Female Rider-Unknown Assassin-Doesn't have gender Caster-We still don't know because we are still waiting for our Caster and the master Special Class-Unknown but I'm pretty sure its gonna be male All three Knight classes are female Everyone else is like??????
@King I think you're using Death... not sure though... @Kiet, Leonidas @Jess I'm thinking Mulan... Not sure about anyone else yet.
Name: Danube Castellanos Age: 24 Magic Specialization: he specialized in internal healing by using mana he can endure a lot of pain and recuparate very fast but he is pretty advanced healer in almost all kind of healing magic, he was never in favor of hit and run magic like fireballs or ice poles and wanted to take an active role in the fight, so he learned how to wield a sword a leaf blade to be exact accompanied with magic for strenth and speed enhansing he can become pretty deadly. Appearance: He is an average height 170 cm Greek with a light tan on his skin that gets darker during summer. he usually whears orange t-shirts and dark blue jeans to match a fedora is something that he always like to have on his head.he has big brown eyes and not so complex skin he is not the most handsome of men but he get's to you through his friendly smile Biography: He wasnt sure what meant to be a magus as his teacher would never incourage philosophical conversation with his students or between them being sick of this kind of treatment he decided to leave after having a heated argument with his parents about his expectation of what life he wanted to have, seeing that he could never acomplish his ambitions he began traveling with nothing expect his favorite fedora some clothes and food that would last him for barely a week,with luck on his side though and a little help from the magic he was taught he reached Arab country in perfect state his body shaped up a little bit during his travel, as soon as he reached there the poverty and war put a great strain to his heart unable to do anything he once again took his leave only to find an abandon kid near the border who he took with at his travels but the kid was ill and ,the medicine expensive no matter how much he begged people to go buy him the medicine with the promise that he would pay them back,no one wanted to give his money for an orphan and a beggar,the little moments he had with the little boy he cherised deeply and become his resolve to partitipate in the holy grail war so that he can bring him back, he returned to his hometown resuming his studies and becoming an honor student,he headed for fuyuki city but still hasnt summoned any servant. (excuse any mistakes i am new and i hope i am not late)
@Juju: You sort of are to late for a servant and master spots that includes the special class. Though ally spots are still open.....they always are.