What if the characters split up and to their story as they dealt with their specific bloodlines. But how does on conquer a whole province on his own?
Hex here are some facts: - You joined our group without a developed character - You manipulated a developing plot by dropping a Deus Machina that has suspended a giant chunk of said plot. - You are expecting everyone to "just go with it" - You request we excuse future typos because your going to do a majority of writing from your phone, this tells us you aren't going to be a very committed player. All forgivable if you were willing to talk to us in a respectful manner. But you're not. You are heckling us to let you lead the story. and on a personal note: You're calling me a "bureaucratic troll" and I'm a little pissed.
I like that idea, it's a sort of modified version of what I was thinking. Someone helps guide a segment, each dealing with a particular kingdom. WE end up with linked little plots. I like it! I also called Human Kingdom, since I think I'm the only character that's part human.
Last I checked mine was half human as well! But that works for me. The plot I'd been pondering off and on for a while now involved the human side, but was so hazy in the details that the demonic kingdom will do just as well for its eventual endgame, however that does end up turning out. So I'll take that unless others have any serious objections.
You'll excuse me I was aiming the troll comment more towards clumsywordsmith but it was entirely in jest. Please dont get sensitive its only soundless words. Now I will address your concerns berky. My characters is fully developed according to the rules. The reason I've only mention what half of his racial heritage is goes along with the storyline. I'd like some intrigue. Id rather not have him waltz around willy nilly saying "My father us a hippopotamus and my mother was gorilla, accept me as I am." Had you bothered to read his stat sheet you'll see hints as to what I am learning toward. Now how have I altered the plot? All I've done is intro duced my character throw in an even and offered a suggestion on change of local. I honestly only expected pastpresentfuture to whine and just ever so softly at that. Tell me, if you are wanted fugitives why go back to a known location whenyou have the opportunity to disappear off the grid? Yes I expect everyone to go along with it because none of you were expecting this type of entrance. See the best part about collaborative writing is that you never know where the other person is going to take you. I dont want to control the game I just want to play it. If either of you feel as though Im being a dick consider this; Youve spent over 7 hours telling me how I migt be wrong yet yu havent adapted to new circumstances. Lets all get along guys. Oh and please dont quote me anymore its really easy just to scroll and click on my phone. Lets play nice now kids.
berky: Hi! No problem (but I missed your character ) I agree with clumsywordsmith, and I think it would be fine that its just presumed you were along with us in the carriage. Haha berky a classic! Haha Hex44, literally made my laugh out loud!! Rather amusing… And so…continuing on Helloo Hex44, and WELCOME . I read your piece and found your idea interesting, and I have nothing against it, though I do agree with berky and Clumsywordsmith you did rather plunge us into it. I had rather been enjoying the way in which it was moving forward...but however I am open to it changing and will go with the flow. hehe One thing I do have to say though, as clumsywordsmith implied, is you do tend to take over the characters a little, performing what they do and say, and well its best if this doesn’t happen as it can cause problems maybe just wait till their response; and once they have replied to your action speech, then continue… If everyone is still for going to the mansion then perhaps we should head in that direction, but there is no need to brush away this new idea and maybe use it a little later in the story? Just a new proposition if people are so against it then maybe everyone will be happy lol Personally I’m not so keen on the idea of a Dungeon master, mainly because I myself had no particular plan or direction for the story. I really wanted to work through a flow and see in which direction it led. BUT if everyone really wants to do this then I’m fine with it, just don’t include me. Is it ok if I just go along with my character with what everyone writes? Instead of taking a kingdom and leading the plot? OR if I become more confident in doing something like that then I might lead the plot into the dragon kingdom, but that’s a BIG maybe haha and id prefer to go near the end lol
That's three against one. For the time being we are resuming the "meet at the mansion" plotline, allowing the story to continue. As for potential DMing, it is a work in progress. I understand it is a different approach, but I do think it would be really helpful. The idea is always on the table if need be.
Hi again guys. I see your really bent out of shape about the Tactic/burning mansion thing. But you have to understand my original peice was in the mansion then my work was deleted and I put some thought into playing fair and other ooy gooey stuff like that and decided to introduce a different character. Her specs and heritage should be included in the thread and if you wanna complain because I took certain creative liberities... ehhh. Cant really say ill be all that friendly any more. Im all for one team one fight bit who doesnt like being the bad guy sometimes. I make a very good bad guy too by the was. So. Miria will be Danils sister she'll show up off and on and if she dies eh lets make it a good death huh? Esuna is here to stay. If you dont wanna ride the cool ornithopters and go off to a coolio city thats cool ill take him there myself. But what really needs to happen is SOMEONE NEEDS TO WRITE ANOTHER FRIGGIN THREAD.
I'm confused. You're adding a new character because your old work was deleted? You also plan on continuing the the burnt mansion/ teliport plot separate from the main group?
No dear berky nothing was deleted. That would be rude now wouldnt it. If youll kindly look now I think ive found acceptable formula for an introduction of my character. Also tradition carriages only seat four persons but there were three in ezrics carriage I assumed you atel and danil were in the others... CAN SOMEONE PLEASE PROGRESS THE STORY LINE?
Hey guys. I want to extend a sincere apology for the way I acted when I jumped in. I didnt mean to act like a complete flower eating douche face. So I hope we can begin anew hopefully you wont treat my characters harshly because of the way Ive acted. Im sorry.
Hey kids, Ive been busy this weekend with the thread. I tried my best not to jump on ti anyones toes so Ive been working excusively with side stories and the peice I call EXCERPT FROM THE HISTORIES OF KAIZO. See I realize its nit just us that reads the thread and ive been trying to make it entertaining. Howeve if Im cramping anyones style send me a pm and we'll figure out diplomatically. Im not trying to take the spot light I just want to write. Oh and the sooner you guys get outa that damn carriage and get on with the mission the sooner I can play with Esuna. Lol. Its all in good fun guys. Cheers. PS I actually want to see everyone write a peice for the EXCERPT pages. I think since we are all forming this universe it would be cool to get some cool backrounds in this world. Remember we're only depicting one period in Kaizos time line theres plenty of stuff that "happened" before us.
Will be back soon hopefully. A lot seems to have happened while I was gone. Could someone give me a sum-up of what happened and where we're headed? Oh and as for the GM issue I'm assuming it by default (for now) with Berky as sub/deputy GM as he came up with the plot. That gives us some vague order. It might be a good idea to agree on a plot; then again it is interesting to have a non plot RPG.
Common cause. Im gonna need you fellas to stop gawking and write. If you know how to tell a story from your characters perspective you should be fine. Whats happen so far is as follows; Danil, Blueberry, Geofrey, Atel, and Drake are all in carraiges heading to Ezrics estate. I believe that it is commonly thought that Danil and Atel are in separate cabs. Esuna has entered the scene and is following the carraiges on foot. So is a relatively new character who shadow walks. I believe he's under the the belly of the carriage scouting the talent. A pack of hollow dogs and their master are about to unleash carnage on the survivors of Tandor. And somewhere in the wilds a girl name Hunter is making her way to the group per Blueberrys request. And somewhere in Kaizo a changed... angel I guess is going through... alot. As far as the plot... PastPresentFuture's character is covering that but he hasnt posted anything but the dialogue in the carriage. They need to hurry that shit up.
I would like to apologize for failing to post frequently in the current thread. For the last two weeks I've failed to join in due to a lack of interest, and an unclear understanding of the stories progression. It seems we have several new characters and sub- occurring, and the original story that was being formed has become less relevant to the new players. I have also noticed that the number of story post has gone down significantly. This makes me uncertain about who is still involved on the forum and posting, and who is uncertain about how to progress like myself. If you are still surfing the forum, it would be very helpful to hear from you.
hi berky yeah im afraid im like you. iv found it a bit confusing with whats happening, the whole story has just dramatically changed and my character hasnt really been speaking to me. not only that been really busy at home and other things.
ok then, hows this for a game plan, those who are still active in the story and want to participate, make your name known here. Those that do not respond will be cut, and we wil continue the story based on whose still around
I'm still around and interested. Like the rest of you, however, I sort of found my motivation waning when we suddenly splintered off into a few incoherent and unnecessary side plots that seemed to have no relevance or bearing on the main story. Not to mention I was no longer certain as to what, precisely, was actually happening. Since in one moment the entire city was blowing up around us, in the next we were outside the city rolling down some highway road somewhere, and in my own mind we'd been in a perfectly undestroyed city with the hint of mass riots and mobs and other such things soon to come.
Alright, it looks like the original crew is still around, sans pastpresentfuture, who I feel will pop up sooner or later. As of now, I would prefer to go back to the original scenario. I.E: our group is in a carriage on it's way to Ezrics mansion. But start with our arrival at the mansion/ settling into the mansion plotting what to do next. The only problem being we do not yet have any word from PastPresentFuture. If he does not return to us, then he is "assassinated" and we continue on from there. We eliminate all other sub-plots and new characters, and only allow/acknowledge new players if they ask to join in this discussion thread ,provide a suitable reason to enter and agree to follow the fiction we have created. -Note: this is just what seems ideal to me, those that do not agree feel free to offer an alternative. DM: The splintering of the story and confusion is what I feared might happen and why I suggested creating a DM for the RPG. I know the idea sounds constricting, but I do feel it could be beneficial to have someone helping to structure were the plot is going. Thoughts?