I like your train of thought Jess. Great Ideas! I especially like the one where people are beginning to use their powers on one another.
Hey gang... I've been hitting a semi-depressive wall these last few weeks, as well as having some relatives over for the Summer; and, truth be told, I've been avoiding this site, because I didn't want to face you guys with no new posts to show. I've tried a couple times, but all my previous plotting seems to fall away when I sit down. I've really hit a block this time, heck, these are probably the first full paragraph I've written since my last post. But, it's about time I emerged from hiding. I'm really sorry I haven't been holding this together better; I've never been all that great at hosting these things, only participating. Eximius over these last couple weeks has really died for me, and it's frustrating for me to be constantly hitting walls in a story I'd already plotted out. I know "Sorry" is not a very good excuse for my irresponsibility, but it's all I can really say. If someone wants to grab the gauntlet and take this story to its intended purpose, go for it; but I'm afraid that until I feel my creative writing spark again, I'm going to have to step down as GM. No point in pretending I'm going to write anymore.
Hi Earphone, I completely understand, and I hope that you know that we aren't upset with you. Eximius #1 was what introduced me to RPGs, and to you I'm grateful for that. It's actually what got me to come out of my shell after a few months of lurking on this site. Since this was my first, this probably will always be my favorite RPG. You say that you think you aren't a great GM, but I thought you made it look fun and easy. Because of that, this month I decided to start my own game, and wow, I've realized it's pretty complex. So, I get what you're feeling. It's way easier to be a follower than a leader. But, to make a story you just have to take it one word at a time, and be confident in your own writing abilities. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Anyway, thanks for creating a story that will always stick in my mind. Make sure to keep writing even if it's for your eyes only, I'm sure you've got a lot of good ideas just like Eximius. ~Jess
Hmm...I don't know. We'd all have to be willing to participate first, I guess. I think AnonyMouse played Dirk really well as an NPC. I love the feeling of Eximius and all it has to offer, but I wonder what Earphone had in mind to begin with. He hinted at the Grey suits having guys with powers as well, and in the first Eximius he showed the main bad guy surveying the Exceptionals with little TVs. Is the main goal to eventually battle it out with a whole bunch of greys? We also need to know what the villain's goal is, to search and destroy? Or do they not kill afterall and manipulate Exceptionals to be used for evil purposes? Eventually having one of the characters be captured (even an NPC) and get into the villain base would be interesting. We were going to do that with my old character Beatrix before #1 disappeared. Whatever you all are up for, I'll gladly keep writing in this. Can't be hasty on the GM position, but I'll keep spouting out ideas. ~Jess
You guys are all pretty awesome. I've been to numerous sites, but this one has the best RP players out there. Thanks a lot for the kind words Jess, they mean a lot to me. To the future GM, I actually did have some "plans", that I could fill them in on. (Secrets, information, Dirk's mysteries.) Where you stand now, I think the best way into the enemy's base, would be through Marty, as he has been there before. (Just a hint.) You guys can put it to a little vote, but more importantly, you should draw in new players, as almost everyone has disappeared. You need some fresh voices, and characters. You can NPC the inactive ones, and make slots for new players. (Just a suggestion.) I feel a lot better after getting that load off my chest last night; but I'm still not really up to anything more than lurking. Rest assured, I'll help out where I can with info, but I think I'll let you guys take the lead. As I said in the RPG discussion thread, I was working on an anthropomorphic RPG, and I think I'm going to focus my attention on that. To avoid future stalls, I'll probably be looking for a co-host; so if any of you are interested, let me know.
To be honest, despite my disappearance last week, I'd be willing to GM. Just thinking about it, I have a few ideas that I could throw around. I would love to take on another game, because I tried to keep Kalicas going, but it fizzled out. Atlantians is pretty much running itself, so I wouldn't mind another project. @Earphone: if you want to send me the info on Dirk and such, go ahead. I'll be glad to take Coventry. That is, if everyone else is okay with that.
We could do this election style? Have those who want to GM state why then we vote, most votes wins. Oh and looking forward to the animal one Earphone, might look into the co-host thing.
I think you'd be great to GM, Nature! We could do a vote, but just to let you know, I don't want to be up for ballot. I have a lot of other things to work on at the moment. But, I can't wait to write my little Avery again!!
Lol, I will be sure not to disappear. I love the RPGs on here. They're actually a lot better than dice games, since you can die in a split second if you roll bad.
I'm open to GMing as well (or co-GMing, if naturemage wants the position). Either way, count me in as a player.
Yeah, agreed. Co-DMing would be a good idea. I'm sure we'll both have our own unique ideas to contribute.
I have sent a missive to both Anon and Nature, regarding the story. They will assume the GM position following response. (Thanks a heap you guys.) As mentioned before, I will watch you guys, and keep up to date on the posts, and hopefully be helpful in any way I can. In future I may a new character for the RP, but I won't resume GM position, unless it is needed. That is all. Peace an' love, -Earphone P.S. I just wanted to deeply thank everyone for their participation in this RP up to this point. It means so much to me to have people play in the worlds I create, and it means so so much more when they have fun doing it. I really hope you guys continue to have fun with this, and I hope to RP with you all very soon!
Hey, we couldn't have gotten such a great RPG without your idea Earphone. I had a blast (in both games, lol). Maybe someday Coventry V1 will reappear.
You will be missed in Coventry, Earphone. Thanks again for creating this fun game! I can't wait for this to get started back, Avery has a lot more angst she needs to burn off. Get your extinguishers ready. And Snowmantheory, it's not my call, but I'd plan a character just in case!
Hey guys. Mouse and I are currently working things up to decide what our course of action is. We've made a few decisions, and we should be running the game again next week. Be patient. Earphone had a lot of things planned.