So, just so everyone is on the same page, It is night time in Coranum right now. Once it's morning there, A lot of stuff is going to start happening. Different parts of the ring are on different time zones because of the way it rotates, so If you're character is not in Coranum, It could be pretty much any time depending on where they are. But, stuff is going to start happening... *rubs hands together and says "Yes... Yes..."*
I don't know why I posted that in the main thread.... I'm not all here tonight. Dur. And @Asune, you already are in Coranum. Your character was at the conventum, which is in coranum...
If this helps, Coranum is the capital city. Located there is the Conventum, The Imperial Palace, All the House Embassies, The Diplomaticum, The Principe Militum Headquarters, The Imperial Prison, and the Church of Suvos Mactan. Also the Aladora Map Shop.
FYI, I'm working on turning that failed post of mine into an actual post. EDIT: Okay, done! Decided to go back to Jessica.
Sorry I haven't posted much this week. Not sure if I'll get a chance this weekend, but I'll try my best. Cynglen, Mr. Fox, I may need to PM you guys before my next post just so I don't mess anything up.
@Lachesis Don't worry about it. This is alot slower paced RPG than most, and I think it serves the story well. Take your time!
Also Pheonix, the Merchant's Guild resides in Coranum! I'm waiting for the exchange between Malief and Tezz to happen before I go seek him out. Also, I have a question. How does someone travel between say, Coranum and Vandemirium? Are there roads, or do you specifically have to take a shuttle?
I'll be on for about 10 more min...then I'll be gone for about 3 hours. But I am excited to see how this story progresses.
Thanks for the welcome. Surmurack is definitely one of the better roleplays on these boards. There are a couple others too, but by now they're on the 20th page or more. I was thinking about throwing another character into the mix to help keep things moving here.
@FM You're right! I forgot about the merchants guild! And as for transportation from city to city, there's a few different methods. There is a train line that runs the circumference of the station. It's cheap but not always the fastest method of travel. Next, there are commercial shuttle flights from city to city. Those are more expensive. And finally, people with position usually have private shuttles, or can afford to charter them. There are also roads, but the massive distances involved, we're talking a couple million miles, make travel by road impossible for trips longer than a tenth of the circumference of the ring. Also, between each segment of the ring, there is a ledge, or a timezone border, where there is a one degree difference in angle, that creates bottlenecks between segments. Space and Air transport are the way to go. Tram and road not so much. Hope that answers your question! Sorry I took so long to reply.
Hey all, sorry for not posting recently. I have been ill over the weekend, but I am now back in the action! Should hopefully have a post either today or tomorrow (Apologies, I am a slow writer )
@FM Right. There's alot of open space between cities. Those open spaces are filled with all manner of different eco systems and landscapes. There's also several long stretches of ocean with islands to regulate weather patterns. But the whole array of terrestrial biomes are represented. Only about 15% of the station is truly inhabited. That number has grown over the past, but the human birth rate has dropped, and the starting number of settlers on the station has made growth slow.
Sorry I took soooo long, but it is up - hopefully we can get this going again! Let me know if you have any issues with my post
Character Template: Character Name: Lark Race/Species: Human Appearance: Unassuming. Of a slightly short stature and average looks. Most often wears some form of space-proof suit. Background: Son of a political and military figure. Lark abruptly left it all behind and joined with his teacher on a journey. Has since been a spy or a soldier in one sense or another. Eventually they forged a clan mostly their own, and remain ultimately unaligned to any other force on the ring. Skills/ Special Abilities: The instincts of a hunter. His senses are strong, and there is very little subtlety that escapes him. Dexterity and quickness to him carry more weight than the size of his bones. Equipment: A belt that contains lengths of hyper-smooth cord. With something of weight attached to the end, it can be easily thrown 100 feet. It can carry two people, and is used to climb any surface, vertical or otherwise. His boots or outer suit always contain some form of climbing apparatus as well, be it energy, magnet or a brutish spike. Weapons: A short sword concealed as another object. It's hilt can unleash an explosive or emit a choking gas. Family/House: Lark has never spoken of his true family alignments since fleeing the mansion. He and members of his clan operate within house Gibrani. Faction: Their highest ranking members are Alaouda, though it is a little-known fact. Spies in employ of this group are free to align themselves any way that is not towards needless violence. Goals: Currently Lark is developing intelligence of several key figures on the ring. Afterwards, his plans are to return off-ring to pursue another mission.
@LTW in your latest post were you referring to Zangir as Human? Or did I read that wrong, because Zangir's a Sanhedrin.
My apologies I never made a character bio for him so its not very clear. Zangir is a Sanhedrin, he looks identical to Malief but his clothes are plain black robes rather than red and white. Check Malief's bio to get an accurate description