Can someone list me the adj. of speaking like he said sacastically, etc.

Discussion in 'Word Mechanics' started by Leobluesmile, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. jo spumoni

    jo spumoni Active Member

    Jun 23, 2010
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    La Jolla, CA (and Mission Viejo, CA, during the su
    I think advice is "wishy washy" when it is unspecific and vague. I reject very few things "out of hand" (if by that you mean "immediately" or "on sight"), but when I receive a reply that seems to have little relevance to the question I have asked, I am more inclined to reject it than if it answers my question but suggests I may have asked the wrong one. It may be offensive in your eyes for a new writer to reject your advice, but isn't it more excusable for a new writer to make a mistake than for an experienced writer to be insensitive and discouraging, even unintentionally? I have "chewed it" (what a terrible cliche, by the way), and I'll confess that I may have come off a bit strong in my post, but while I'll apologize if I personally insulted anyone, I'm not going to take back the general gist of it: having a question immediately and sometimes incorrectly dismissed as "wrong" can be very frustrating for new writers. I humbly request that people take this into account when they offer guidance or advice, however well-meaning it might seem to them.
  2. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    This is purely your perception. I never said or implied I was offended that anyone doesn't accept my advice. I get annoyed at people who try to tell me I cannot express it. But like any advice or opinion, anyone can ignore it if they wish.
  3. JPGriffin

    JPGriffin New Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    To put closure on this argument, let me just say that giving an answer never lets a person gain experience, it's just allowing them to copy and paste what you say to their writing; in other words, they let others write the story for them. "Relevance" to the original question is, well, relevant. In this case (going off of the fact that the OP could be, assumingly, looking for words more than concepts) maybe the more direct answer is needed. Other cases, though, where people ask for suggestions in plots, character ideas, settings, etc., it's literally asking others to write their story, where they need to develop the ideas themselves. In this case, I'm not seeing a person asking for us to give him/her the answers, but someone that's just looking to get some knowledge in writing in a non-native tongue.

    To respond to the OP's question, what the first few posts about showing emotion and telling it is pretty head-on. A person will respond much better to action than being spoon-fed the emotion (as with being spoon-fed the answers). If it's words you're looking for, then try using a web browser to get the vocab, but be sure to triple-check; not everything will fit as it's supposed to, and these mistakes can ruin writing. If you know anyone who speaks English fluently, then have them read it over for you (if they're willing). If something's not fitting then they'll be able to help it flow better and improve writing in a language others have learned over a lifetime.
  4. Carthonn

    Carthonn Active Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    New York
    "Wow, what an enjoyable thread."

    "Wow," he said sarcastically. "What an enjoyable thread."
  5. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Closing the thread. The off topic discussion was permitted for a while, but it's getting out of hand, and the original topic has been well covered.

    I've had to remove several posts that have no place on this thread, or this site.
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