But conversely you can't make yourself a delicious meal with your normal fingers so you know, it's all about perspective innit? I suppose if I am replying I should answer your question. Spaghetti fingers. I am deathly afraid of spaghetti fingers, also slugs - slugs are fukin horrible. What is your opinion of slugs?
They scare me. I don't like slimy things. Favorite superhero? (besides me, I know I'm everyone's favorite)
If you were a cat lady, how many cats would you have and what would be their names? And when they were all dreaming at the same time would they drift into some other world and change the laws of physics?
I'd have two and they'd have overly serious names that were never used (Percival Lucious McGarrey and Yolonda Elspeth The Third or something). And yes, of course they would. Don't all cats defy the laws of the universe? Who is your rolemodel/embodiment of ideals you aspire to?
That's a really tough one: people are so, well, human. These days I tend to admire people who make the most of their bodies, like Timothy Shieff, but I think most of my role models were probably fictional ideals: Maria Merryweather, Charlie Bucket, and later Jean-Luc Picard, Kathryn Janeway... and weirdly, Jessica Fletcher! What's your favourite time of day?
Well that would depend on the day! Most days, I like the morning because everyone has gone off to work, the cats are still sleeping, and my house is quiet. But Wednesday nights have the best TV shows. And Sunday afternoons are so relaxing. What is the longest accumulated time you've spent playing a single video game? (I've put over 300 hours into the Sims 4.. lol)
Coyotes mostly prefer to eat roadrunners, while a wolf's diet is more varied and includes such delicacies as pigs, grandmothers and girls in red cloaks. What is the most Northern location you've ever visited?
Take James Patterson's place and earn his salary. At $80+ million, I'd have enough money to write and do whatever else I want without worrying about getting a reliable income. Would you rather not have to eat ever again, or not have to sleep ever again? (You could still do either if you wanted to)
Not requiring sleep would be nice. I struggle with insomnia, and still need sleep. Not requiring it would be nice. Favorite colloquial?
Living in Utah there are some colloquialisms that are some what frustrating to hear. For example the absent "t" sound from words, Mountains - mow-ins. but I have picked up the Canadian "Eh" from my mum's side of the family. I enjoy that one. What embarrasses you the most in front of other people?
When I find myself singing in a public place with my headphones on. Woops! What is your favourite colour?
Black. Or blue, or red, depending on the object. What's your favorite hair color? EDIT: Forgot to reload the page. Answered the same post as @jannert. Whoops.
Just as well, mine was smart-arse. Okay, my favourite hair colour is black. What is your favourite book just now?
A Boy's Will by Robert Frost. I also happen to be writing about it. :3 What is your favourite film based on a book?
TLR I wasn't expecting it to be that close to the book. Who are you most envious of - fictional or real - and why?
Doraemon, because he has everything a kid could ever wish for (like the anywhere door!) Other than a writer, what else would you like to be?
It really depends. If I'm inside, I like it when it's raining sideways with big droplets beating against my windows. If I'm out and about with my camera, I'd rather it was dry and still. The element I cant handle is heat. Anything over 18 degrees makes me feel like I'm on the verge of collapsing. My question is for anyone who carries a bag... handbag, man bag, gym or kit bag. If we were all to look inside right now, what object appears to belong there the least?