Yeah, I'm the kind of psycho that buys long pink candy canes, and sits in front of the pc cross stitching, and reads bedtime stories to kids. I hope you're all scared now. Well, there's only one person on here who absolutely have to meet, and I know he's not a psycho. Edit: Okay, Cogito... I'll admit, I will bake you guys. I just need a really huge oven, of course.
I really need to check out the lounge more often, I had no idea this thread was here If I was rich I would rent out a house on the south coast of spain and invite all you guys over, of course I'm not rich...yet But yeah meeting some of you weirdos would be fun, at this point some of you guys are closer than some of my family.:redface:
Heather you and Joel can come to Colorado and go skiing in the mountains after I move there. Lydia and Rob: You guys have started to freak me out. Wrey: Umm... I'm totally going to Puerto Rico. I think it's a greed, if we're going to have a convention, it shall be in Puerto Rico. On a side note, good grief I've missed all of you!!
Yup. Puerto Rico, England, and even the east coast of USA all sound lovely, and I'm sure we're not psychos (with the exception of Lydia the Cannibal / Swinger), but I prefer to keep my real life and my online life separate... There's only one person that I know online who I am excited to meet in real life, and that's 'cause we began talking, knowing from day one that we'll be going to the same university in the fall and would like to be friends. The rest of you stay away!!! I have nothing to worry about though. No one should want to visit Indiana, unless it's May and you're a race fan. We really arent ask hick-ish as non-residents think we are, but we do have a lot of corn, steel, and methamphetamines. Not exactly the tourist capital of the world.
There was only one person on this forum that I know of who was truly psychotic. Luckily, their 3-4 different accounts all got banned.
I like Santa Claus, Indiana. I go there once every couple of years. In fact, I think there's a trip planned for the 31st.
I have a pretty kick-ass friend in Indiana that I would like to go see, actually. I have an intense desire to meet the people of the other forum I've frequent (have been for a few years now) because they're my family, more so than my natural family ever will be, but other than them. . . not so many people I'd like to integrate into my life. And there is no way I'm going to Puerto-Rico, way too much sand and sun and not enough rain and wind. -eastcoaster- Plus, all this bikini, canabalism, swinging and crying talk is not as appealing as you may think. I am impervious to your seductions!
How did I miss this thread? I've not meet anyone from this forum, but there are a few people I feel I would get on with if I met them face-to-face: there are some really pleasant and interesting people on here.
I live in Liverpool which, I imagine, is miles away from anyone on here. Plus, who wants to come to Liverpool anyway? most people hate the place!
I'm a New Yorker (state, not city, although Albany's 2.5 hours away from the city, so it's close enough in American driving terms anyway). However, I went to grad and law school in northern Indiana (a short distance from Chicago, and if you guess the obvious college, you are wrong). Northern Indiana wasn't that bad, and neither was Indianapolis area. Southern Indiana kind of set my teeth on edge, though, as did any part of central not Indianapolis. I'm your stereotypical New York liberal in a lot of ways, so it was a bit of a change of pace! (I did like Steak 'n' Shake and popcorn festivals, however.)