My dr chastised me last month for waiting so long for my yearly exam (it's only been 6 yrs since the last one). She said that now that I'm in my 30's, I really should follow the reccomendations....@@
Ladies, I am learning that age is only a seems the older I get, the more fun I am having and the better I feel about myself as a woman. If that wasn't enough, I had a nice looking guy in his late twenties try and hit on me at the club last weekend.....yeah, I was flattered. LOL
Wow, gi, sometimes I forget how young you are... I turned 24 last Monday. But if anyone asks, I'm 21.
Haha dude you seriously look like 30 in that picture. XD Well I must say, there is a very large adult presence on this site, which is rather intimidating, along with the fact that a lot of the writing on here is really good. Heh. And you guys are all totally like super serious. On my other forum there's a ton of writers but they're not very sophisticated and the stuff posted there is more for fun then anything. They literally write books in threads for members to view and critique. Heh, the members are the only audience. I gotta say, its super fun reading all this awesome writing on this forum! Its genuinly thrilling to read! Sorry for going off-topic a bit...
I think I'm 51 (my math isn't that good). My kids say I 'only' look about 35-40. They think this cheers me up. I'll know I'm starting to show my age when strangers here in Turkey begin to call me 'teyze' (aunt) instead of what they say now, which is 'abla' (elder sister) when they speak respectfully to me!
I just turned 29. I don't know if I feel 29 though. Sometimes I feel more like 40, and other times (usually when teaching) I feel like I'm 18.
I turned 18 in December...(which my parents refused to believe )... no matter how old I become, I don't think I'll ever be able to act grown up! *fakes worried look*
I'm 28, but don't let our age intimidate you, I've met a lot of teenagers on this forum that are much better writers than I am. And while we are serious there is a lot of fun around the site too!! I hope you can feel welcomed to post your works even if you don't feel 'up to par' we are all here trying to improve. Just remember to proof read first, and don't ask for brutal honesty if you don't really want it b/c you will definitely get it (with love of course).
I'm twenty years old, 'bout to be twenty-one in a few days. Of course, I feel (and look) like a fifteen year old. XD
Damn, I do feel old, even if its only by a year or two. Seriously, you guys suck. Stop being younger than me.
I'm eighteen. I like being 18 alright, but I'd much rather be eight. Or eighty. I'm a little bit nervous about going off to do new things. I'd much rather be eight and have a long way to go until change or eighty and never have to change again. Eighteen came pretty smoothly, but I'm more worried about nineteen, and twenty. That's when I know I'm old, and it's time for me to grow up. I'm surprised so many people are younger than I am. I thought most would have been at least a little older.
I'm actually surprized by how many people are around my age. Good to know I'm not the only one freaked out about the idea of having to go out in the world and get all grown ^^
I feel the EXACT same way! I'm turning 18 on February. I'm still sad about graduating and nervous about starting university. I want to stay in high school so badly LOL.
Wow I didn't realize how many twenty-somethings we had around here I thought there were more people around my age