On the count of three we'll throw dad in the hot spring. One. Two. Three *Throws dad in hot spring* Yeah!
I wonder if he likes it in there. Oh wait! I forgot daddy can't swim. We should fish him out shouldn't we.
Yeah! *Cast fishing rod and hooks it on fathers clothes* Whee! *Brings dad on shore* He's still unconscious. *Shakes dad.*
Yeah! I would love to. Its an honor to just hold dad's life in my hands. Lets just hope I don't drown him.
Yep. And I hope I get the mansion. But I don't think he will die. Remember when we were babies we tried to kill him too. And he has still survived so yep. I think he isn't going any where to quickly.
Nope! Dad was a single dad. And he is still single. We need a sexy momma who isn't afraid to hurt daddy.