I have everything put together excluding the most important part of my book. My character is a fugitive on the run and he is going to change his...
Alright sorry if this topic is terrible this is my first time making a post here, anyways i am thinking on making a book that is focused around...
I've been pondering this 'idea' (for lack of a better word) for some time now. I started thinking about it when reading discussions of...
I find writing around characters quite daunting at times because I cannot always be thinking ways of figuring the hero from the none and so on. so...
one idea would be to write as if you were the opposite sex but under a narrative style using the first person then third person. I have done...
Hi :) I've decided that I'm at the right point of life where I can start concentrating on learning how to write a decent book. I've been a...
OK, I keep talking about the "winnowing problem" with regard to self-publishing, every time someone says that self-publishing is the way of the...
Hey guys, Merlin here. Here's a kind of premise for my story that I'm working on. A new boy, going under the name of Scott Harper, hailing...
Since I’m currently taking a hiatus from writing my larger work to finish a short story that hinges on the use of a “McGuffin as a plot devise. I...
Reader, So I noticed how you can read reviews from people on books, movies, and video games (what I will herein refer to as media) and many...
This may be a bit long but here it goes: Originally, I had this idea of writing a werewolf fantasy series. I had characters and backstories and a...
I'm sure I'm not the first to have this problem, but eh, I figure what the heck. Might as well. I've got this brilliant idea, and I know those...
Hey guys, I'm currently in the process of writing a story for National Novel Writing Month, and I've just had a great idea for a plot. I...
I have been pondering lately about the possibility of becoming a superhero. Not really in terms of myself becoming one per se, but the possibility...
I've only recently become interested in writing and am trying to learn more, mainly through reading which i also recently became more interested...
Hi all. I stumbled across these forums a few days ago and I just couldn't resist joining. I fell in love with books before I could walk....
Hi... so my excessive plot outlining has given me the idea of two antagonists (well, one main one and a major secondary one). My story idea is...
I'm relatively new to writing and continually have great difficulty generating a well crafted and completed piece of prose. The reason I am...
Okay, I know some writers who just plot out their book as detailed as possible... others who just let it happen as it happens. What kind of writer...
Okay, I'm looking for a few devoted people who are willing to help with the site. Firstly, I need someone to take charge of the ezine. I'd set...
Separate names with a comma.