I know very few people in real life who have easily identifiable "quirks". Similarly I don't use them as a deliberate feature in my characters....
It would depend on what you mean by "similar". For instance, two characters who were male, military, and competent, would be similar, but so would...
I write almost exclusively in third party omniscient, and I change POV all the time. It is not "sacrilege" and is quite often used. The only...
If I'm tempted to skim, I stop reading and go to another book. It doesn't mean the book is badly written, just that it doesn't suit my tastes.
Toss a coin and commit to sticking by the result.
Common sense and self control.
If the story required it, there is nowhere I would not go. However, that is not the same as deliberately setting out to write a book about some...
I am a story teller by nature. I enjoy it. The mechanical aspect of it is part of the process. Nothing ever gets made without effort. I just...
I don't think about tropes at all. I create a situation, a plot, an objective. Then I create characters, who act in accordance to their...
Right now.
Their biggest problem is going to be spare parts. They will rapidly become critical. Possibly a basis for inter ship trade. The most militarily...
This is something very often missed by writers and film makers. Such laws existed all over the world and were often very strict.
Unlike modern soldiers who are trained to follow orders above everything, warriors of the past relied greatly upon their sense of honour to guide...
The most important thing to remember is not to write about the Nazis with the advantage of hindsight. Most of the German people of the time...
Separate names with a comma.