Blog Entries from peachalulu

  1. Thoughts on my reread through the Bible #5

    Genesis 9&10 Psalms 5 & Matthew 5 In Genesis 9 - God lays down one of the first laws to foreshadow the ten commandments- “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed;This might seem off considering this comes after the flood until you realize God is warning them - don't let yourselves descend into an injustice, wicked, debased state again. After all they've lived with a wicked generation for centuries. Noah now off the ark plants a vineyard, gets drunk and something...
  2. Thoughts on my reread through the Bible # 4

    Read Genesis 7&8 Psalms 4 & Matthew 4 How interesting that Genesis 7 includes the flood - the rain of which lasts forty days and forty nights while in Matthew 4 Jesus goes up to the wilderness and fasts forty and forty nights. Forty in biblical terms represents numerous things one of which is trials or testings. Moses also spends 40 days on Mount Sinai and the Israelites spend 40 years wandering the wilderness. Elijah spends forty days to journey to Mount Horeb, David reigned 40 years, and...
  3. Thoughts on my reread through the Bible # 3

    Read Genesis 5&6 Psalms 3 & Matthew 3. - The genealogy of Adam – this is where a lot of people who have never read the bible or have merely glanced at it have mess up. They assume Adam either had 2 sons – Cain & Abel or 3 Cain & Abel & Seth – the fact of the matter is we have no idea how many sons or daughters Adam and Eve had because they’re lumped together in a sentence after Seth is mentioned and this is because only Seth is important to the bloodline of Christ – and for this part – the...
  4. Thoughts on my reread through the Bible # 2

    Read Genesis 3&4. Psalms 2 & Matthew 2. The fall there’s so much here – one thing that stood out was when God put the animal skins on to clothe them. I remember reading in Peter Benchley’s the Island how animal skins were placed on a person’s body with the blood etc still fresh so that the skins would mold to their flesh and fit better. As soon as I read that it made me think of Adam & Eve. Jesus’s blood is the only thing that will take away everyone's sins and yet till he arrives – the...
  5. Thoughts on my reread through the Bible # 1

    Read Genesis 1 & 2 yesterday Psalms 1 & Matthew 1. I like how there are echoes through New & Old Testament - seeds & lineage. Rivers in Eden & Psalms 1 - He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. My favorite scriptures is the creation of Adam & Eve and how after speaking everything into existence God uses his hands to create man and his breath to bring him to life...
  6. Rereading through the Bible again this year - read along if you like.

    Happy New Year! This year I decided to start reading the Bible all the way through again. I like to mix it up though, by reading the OT & NT at the same time with a psalm as well. If you want to join me here's where I'm starting - Reading tonight Genesis chapters 1&2 + Matthew 1 & Psalm 1
  7. Self Plagerizism

    Anyone ever look back on their old work and realized they've duplicated scenes? Even bits of dialogue. It's freaky. I've been typing an old story from paper into my computer to preserve it. I haven't read the story - fully - in decades and I'm shocked to find I've duplicated several scenes. In my old work I have a young girl talking to an older man - she asks am I ugly? - he says fishing for compliments? I gave the same scene to my younger man and his director - two decades later. Creepy....
  8. R.L. STINE accuses publishers of changing his books without permission

    Well, they're going after R.L. Stine's Goosebumps series and it's news to the him because he never gave them permission to change the text. I'm unsure if this is 'sensitivity' writers or editors but they are changing things like crazy to silly and again going after unkind descriptions for the release of his new E-book editions. Scholastic's reason - "keep the language current and avoid imagery that could negatively impact a young person's view of themselves today, with a particular focus...
  9. Sensitivity Readers At it Again - Roald Dahl this time

    Well, the so-called 'sensitivity' readers are at it again. And have been working to change Dahl's new editions to remove everything from gendered language, to 'offensive' descriptions. Even something as innocuous as - The balcony belonged to an attractive middle-aged lady called Mrs. Silver - becomes - The balcony belonged to a kind middle-aged lady called Mrs. Silver. Even more peculiar Augustus is no longer described as fat. Having read Charlie as a morality fairy tale - with...
  10. Six of Dr. Seuss's books Banned

    Haven't really come across any writers talking about this and frankly I don't know what to say. I've seen cancel culture be brushed off on other writing sites, rudely dismissed as don't be a bigot and you don't have to worry, with little regard to the concept of who those gatekeepers of deciding what's bigotry will entail. Especially in a world that has weaponized politics. It was jaw-dropping to see so many writers advocate for pre-publication banning, or writer's being canceled for minor...
  11. Lo's Diary - No Change in tone - What was Pera thinking?

    I'm re-reading Pia Pera's novel Lo's Diary a kind of sidequel to Nabokov's Lolita only from Lolita's pov. It was written back in the 90s and she takes it more from the angle of a mother's hatred for her daughter and also incorporates some riot-grrl feminist vibes into the text - Emily Prager did a much better job of this with her Lolita-take book - Roger Fishbite. But it is an interesting read. I'll do a longer post but for now I'm just stunned that Pera took 90 pages to set up Lolita's...
  12. PRE-BANNING terrifying new trend?

    Just read another story of a woman named Amelie Zhao having her book deal yanked after some people on Goodreads decided her book didn't meet up to certain standards? I don't know how else you'd call it. A fantasy novel - set in a fantasy world didn't mirror certain aspects of … reality. Not shocked … just uneasy. What did she do wrong? Apparently wrote about slavery without mentioning POC. My feeling on this is whoopdee-shit. If I read a book and no characters looked like me - who cares, if...
  13. Cliche of Kisses -- cut and paste poem

    ** This is a cut and paste poem I did a while back taking phrases from vintage Harlequin novels -- I love doing cut and paste. Then it happened; they kissed. Shock was like a needle to the irresistible pressure of his mouth sensual lips that knew no mercy Caught in the slowing down of time resistance took a tumble that shattered her fury So intense were her emotions Flame flickered deep burning, burning with a deep fire bodies were melting together to form a throbbing duet she...
  14. The Garden of Sears - a found poem

    * Clipped phrases from retro Sears catalogs and some phrases from Dylan Thomas's short stories collection - Adventures in the skin trade. I love doing found poetry. * The Garden of Sears Creation screamed forth in an enchanted garden Of non-conformist comfort. two available in your choice of colors He - lab-tested, excellent resiliency cling-free She - fully immersible, high polish, brass finish. He had been invisible Till, she opened eyes of handcrafted, leaded cathedral glass...
  15. Prove Your Y - unfinished story, I was going to enter in contest

    Was going to enter this in a contest here ( little black dress ) but as usual I went over the word limit and then haven't finished, yet. I would like to expand on the theme of cowardice & masculinity but I'm not too sure if it's too obvious. Prove Your Y Out of all of them, I kept my eyes on the slimy creature in the little black dress. He/she/it’s craftier than the others. He, I’ll call him he despite his get up, came slurging down the road yesterday like a seal, but when...
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