1. J.T. Woody

    J.T. Woody Book Witch Contributor

    Feb 5, 2018
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    When to "Leave it" and when to expand on it?

    Discussion in 'Revision and Editing' started by J.T. Woody, Apr 11, 2023.

    I'm revising a (long) short story of mine that I finished a few years back.
    Its already above the word count of a typical Short Story (its not impossible, but a lot harder to find places accepting short stories with word counts past 15k)

    I have a very generalized scene or reflection. just 3 sentences that summarize a couple of events that I cant tell (or remember) if I'd only done it as a place holder or just to stay under a word count... and when I came to that part, I thought about going more in depth. But that would make the wordcount even longer and the story even more difficult to place.

    OR... for word counts sake, I could leave it as is.

    Over the course of three weeks, Ambrose courted me. He took me out for supper at restaurants in town and to accompany him on his visits with friends and family. We picnicked and saw performances in the city and went on walks.

    (*its not a romance... so its not a "falling in love" montage. the POV character goes out with him because she has to, not because she wants to, and that detail is already established in the scenes before it)

    (my very last resort, if I cant place it, is to just publish it on Wattpad as a novellette)
  2. Catriona Grace

    Catriona Grace Mind the thorns Contributor Contest Winner 2022

    Feb 24, 2021
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    I like it as it is. You express what is happening without extraneous details about filet mignon being over-cooked or the tedium of listening to Shostakovich in an overheated theater.
    J.T. Woody likes this.

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