1. JBB

    JBB New Member

    Jan 16, 2024
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    Edits and Legal Hurdles

    Discussion in 'Revision and Editing' started by JBB, Jan 18, 2024.

    Hi everyone. I’m so glad I found this forum. I’ve been writing all my life but I entangled myself into a unique situation and was curious if anyone could offer advice. I worked at a local county office for 12 years and what started out as kind of a diary became ‘my story’ about what I witnessed and dealt with while there. Things have since spiraled out of control more locally, so timing-wise, it makes sense to see if this is worthy of publishing.

    I’ve had a couple people read it and give insight. I have two hurdles now. First, a professional edit. I’m guessing this would be a good idea. Second, the legal hurdles as people are mentioned by name. I can obviously change the names if needed but was hoping to weigh my options with that. I don’t even know what kinds of attorneys do that sort of thing. I’ve Googled some publishing attorneys and just assume I would need to start there. Anyone ever had to worry about something similar?

    How many ‘regular people’ did you have read before ultimately trying to find an editor? I feel I could go in several different directions right now. Its 86 typed pages; 62,795 words. Definitely a nonfictional tale.
  2. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    Assuming you are going to self pub an editor is a must. ( if you really can’t afford an editor lots of beta readers is the less good option)

    of you are going to trad pub, editing is part of what they do in return for most of the royalties , but you need to use beta readers before you start submitting to agents.

    likewise on the legal questions, if you self pub talk to a lawyer, if you’re trad publishing your publisher will have legal advisors

    ( note we don’t really do specific legal advice here because of the liabilities to the forum if it’s wrong)
  3. JBB

    JBB New Member

    Jan 16, 2024
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    Thank you so much for the response! I completely understand about the legal advice. I guess my only question now is this... Given I have everything written, with names and specifics... I wonder am going to have to change the names and maybe even some details around. Would you consult an editor first, or would speaking to an attorney be a better bet so I have a better idea of what I might need to change first? I can see either or being an option but I'd hate for an editor to go over it and then details, names, etc have to change. I'm just uncertain on which should really be done first. Right now I am still on the beta readers phase, so it's not urgent I decide...but it's ultimately what I'm going to need to know next.
  4. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    If you’re self publishing lawyer first then editor because if you have to make a bunch of changes following legal advice you want your manuscript to be ready before it goes to the editor

    if you are trad publishing neither… get it polished to the best of your ability then submit to agents… if you get a deal the publisher will deal with both legal and editing
  5. w. bogart

    w. bogart Contributor Contributor Blogerator

    Nov 5, 2022
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    A lawyer friend of mine gave me a suggestion you may find helpful. Contact your state bar association, they can refer you to the type of lawyer you need to talk to. Typically there is a small fee that is paid to the bar association, but the consult is free.

    As far as editors go, I can tell you the Story Ninjas are great to work with. and offer a free sample edit. But you need to approach hiring an editor like you would an employee or a vendor. See what they are offering you in detail, the costs of the services, and how they communicate with you. Trying not to make this an Ad, but adding details helps make the point. When I selected my editor it was based initially off a book I had read that they did the editing on, "Operation Pineapple Express." My first conversation with them spelled out when they could fit me into their calendar, What I could expect, a detailed report on the work using the story grid method, and a Zoom meeting to go over the report, providing more detail behind their comments and to answer any questions or concerns raised in the report. What surprised me the most was when I disagreed with an aspect of the report, they explained their reasoning, and brain stormed an alternate approach the factored in my concerns to their insights. There are too many out there these days who will try to scam an author by claiming to be an editor, publisher, or some other service that we may want or need. Hopefully I have given you some criteria to help you in your search for an editor. Find one who you feel comfortable working with.
  6. Homer Potvin

    Homer Potvin A tombstone hand and a graveyard mind Staff Supporter Contributor

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Rhode Island
    FYI I just noticed this was in the Workshop so I moved it to "revision and editing." Closest destination I could come up with.
  7. JBB

    JBB New Member

    Jan 16, 2024
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    Thank you for the feedback everyone! I may check check in again soon :)

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