The Desperate Search for a New Idea...

  1. I think I have it...

    Not a truly different idea in that it's completely unheard of on any level..

    But I had quit story-telling for a while because I couldn't think of something genuinely new and interesting. Different in terms of style, structure, and idea. As a fiction writer...I tend to want to create something. To flex my imagination rather than offering stylistic renditions of the same types of stories.

    Only problem is...I think I will never complete it in time.

    I know...cryptic. Useless...but this is more a time-stamp for myself. Maybe, in time, someone will look back on this and understand.

    But right now it's just a seed. It's one small thing...but it's so different I'm wondering how to explain it. How to work with it. It's like having created a new language, but realizing you are the only one who will understand it, lol. I would have to both introduce the idea and educate the reader on the idea without being tossed into the over-expository bin.

    But I think the magic number is three. I need three such ideas before I can write something good. Or, at least, different. Maybe it will be different but absolutely boring and get tossed anyway... What a risk it is to write.

    About Author

    I've always fancied myself a seeker of wisdom and then gained the wisdom to recognize myself not as a seeker but a fan.

    However...I still try here and there.
    Seven Crowns and Madman like this.


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