Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

  1. Blog Description

    Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of questionable tastes
    Been around for over 50 years and a lot of it went to waste

    I chose the screen name to honor the protective spirits that have haunted me and shielded me from my own misfortunes. Some folk have guardian angels, I got benevolent demons.

    I'm good with words, I used to have a blog years ago on a site called Multiply. It's gone now, I moved over to Facebook, but there's a limit you can write in a single post. That and a lot, and I mean a LOT of content is shallow, dumbed down for the masses.

    I've been encouraged by many that I should blog. So here goes.

    Sometimes I write twisted karaoke, where I take a song and reword the lyrics. I have many vulgar Christmas caroles. (Dr. Demento left his mark on me growing up) Maybe I'll share some of them here.

    I'm self employed, mostly Mr Fix it handyman stuff, lots of lawn care, I'm good with motors, machines, I'm a carpenter,plumber, painter, roofer, electrical, I've built several computers, I make furniture and clocks for shits and giggles. I like working with my hands.

    I was decent in school, most of my classes were AP stuff, I even took a few college classes, but never graduated. Driving a desk wasn't attractive to me. Plus jail & courts got in the way. As did drinking and drugs. For many years I was a semi-professional brain cell exterminator. Some of them weren't even mine! I occasionally made a profit from time to time.

    Drinking almost did me in and by the time I was 35 I had enough, hit my knees and prayed, "To Whom It May Concern, somebody, ANYBODY, to anyone listening: Fix me or finish me off!"

    That led me to AA, and I've been sober ever since. Today is SoberDate 8039. You do the math. This blog ain't about that. It's a tale of my journey.

    I was a bad drunk. Real bad. Blackout drunk. SUPERVILLAIN bad, I was a major asshole when I drank. I've been told horror stories of my misadventures. My code name was Heinous Anus. I can admit that, because I'm retired from that lifestyle. That and the statute of limitations has expired.

    A lot of what I write is from the heart, and personal experiences. I write what I know.
    So why not write about that? Write a FICTIONAL story about a Supervillain named Heinous Anus, an alcoholic with a split personality. His sober persona doesn't know what his drunk self does.

    Okay, I take artistic liberties, it isn't ALL about me. But there's enough of me in it. I don't have super powers, aside from being nigh immortal. (7 suicide attempts, 46 totaled automobiles, survivor of 4 tornadoes and ground zero of a class five hurricane. Yes, I have pictures, videos even. The day Hurricane Michael hit, I was on the beach with a cell phone and 6 feet of Caution Tape, recording myself literally throwing Caution to the WIND!) I'm hard to kill. Thank my benovelent demons for that. (I have a story idea for that one too). I do also possess the power of flight, but it only kicks in when I have diarrhea. So I can't rely on it.

    So anyway, I'm writing a story about a Supervillain called Heinous Anus. I got 2 chapters done. I have a plot and a chapter outline. It's going to be a book about the redemptive power of change, from a Supervillain buffoon to reluctant hero. Riddled with laughs and more than a bit of off color humor.

    Part of the reason I joined up here, besides having a forum to divulge myself, is to spitball ideas. Pick your brains, brainstorm, hit y'all up for ideas. Research. It's either you guys or Artificial Intelligence ghost writer programs. I'd rather not do that. And from peeking around here, some of y'all are against it too.

    Years ago when I was on Multiply, I was part of a creative writing group. Someone would start with a paragraph and then someone else would add to it, another paragraph. We wrote some hilarious tales! The kind of stuff that would have me laughing so hard my gut would hurt. I was kinda hoping this site had something like that. I miss that. Even if it has nothing to do with the story I'm writing, it gets the creative juices flowing.

    So here I am. Greetings & salutations, mortals. You can call me Ben. Short for Benovelent Demons.
    Mwa haw haw haw! (cue thunder sfx)
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