
  • Hello Predator—Meet Prey! You'll get along famously

    [CENTER][MEDIA=youtube]dK80v17Fkcw[/MEDIA][/CENTER] Finally I've found a good and fairly comprehensive video on this subject, something I've tried many times to elaborate on throughout this blog. [B][I]Iain McGilchrist[/I][/B] seems to be just about the only scientist concentrating on this subject today, aside from some low-key research groups doing studies nobody ever hears about (unless they look into McGilchrist's work). He's its popularizer, the way [B][I]Carl Sagan[/I][/B] and [B][I]Neil DeGrass Tyson[/I][/B] are for astrophysics and science in general. Several times I've explained...
  • Looking into Cormac McCarthy

    [CENTER][MEDIA=youtube]If1Su5qh96Q[/MEDIA] [/CENTER] I've read most of [B]Child of God[/B], that I found when I was researching the Lyrical Novel. I intend to finish it soon, just haven't got back to it yet. It's pretty harsh and brutal, and the only redeeming quality I can find so far is the language, which is often beautiful and indeed poetic. A few days ago—I forget what prompted me—but I bought the Kindle version of [B]The Road[/B] and started reading it. It feels even more poetic, and filled with connections between symbols and images and ideas etc. I get the same feeling of awe and...
  • Time, time, time

    On our neighborhood walks my wife and I used to walk past a big old deciduous tree (as I recall, though it may have been a pine). A couple years back, though, it dropped its biggest branch and some others in a storm, and the property owners had it removed. All of it, stump and all. This year when we walked past that spot, there is absolutely no indication that the tree was ever there. Once the next generation of property owners move in, no one will recall that tree. It existed, but now it's totally gone. When we moved into our house more than 20 years back, a semi-retired surgeon and...
  • Questions that Keep Giving No. 1

    There is no such thing as a stupid question, but some questions are post-Thanksgiving-prandial stuffed with implication. I swear the most telling sentences end with a question mark. [QUOTE]How do you write neurotypical characters?[/QUOTE] Saw this on the Red-it. I don't have an account, though, so I'll have to circle-herk about it here instead. The expedient answer is standard fare: write characters until they're something like the ones in all the books you've read. You at least have almost infinite examples of [I]what[/I]. There is nothing hidden in text i.e. body language, vocal tone,...


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