Do later versions of "Strunk and White" include significant additional material compared to the free version available from Project Gutenberg? Also, I note that some of the rules in the 1918 version appear to be out of date. E.g. to always write "to-day" with a hyphen, and to always write "anyone" as two words. Are there any other recommendations/rules in the 1918 version that are out of date?
Thanks for the comments. I'm going to wait for my copy of Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, Second Edition: How to Edit Yourself Into Print Renni Browne, Dave King to arrive. The bookseller hasn't even dispatched it yet for whatever reason. Anyhow, I'm going to wait until I get that before I decide to buy Strunk and White's latest edition. In case the former covers the quite short latter. In the meantime I'm continuing to revise the 1918 version, as I think I can work out which advice is still relevant today, and which is out of date.