Not angry at him, angry for him. I've just been told by William that after big brouhaha that happened at work, he now has to take a step down (with no change in pay, thank god) and fill the roll of someone who was fired. What happened is this: My hubbies direct boss, La Directora, had a niece in a management position at one of the public housing projects which is the business that my hubby is in. My husband fell directly between La Directora and the niece as regards chain of command. Like nearly all examples of nepotism, things started going south as far as the niece is concerned. Not qualified. Bad with people. Started having probs with her own assistant. The assistant complained. My hubby tried to fix what was happening with the niece and the assistant and the niece went direct to auntie cutting William out of the chain of command. Auntie allowed niece to come to her, also cutting William out of the chain of command. Big bag of hot mess ensues. Last week, William found out that the niece was to be fired, today he found out that he is getting a technical demotion to fill her slot. All because someone had to go and hire inept family Ugh!!
Even if you could, you know how beaurocrats work. By the time they get to it, it will probably work it self out on its own.
I hope there is! That sounds completely ridiculous. At least there is the silver lining that they didn't cut his pay, but regardless of pay, that's not right.
Being that it is P.R., I have no idea at all. Some things here work the same, somethings don't. I haven't got a clue.
sadly, in PR, as in most island cultures [including here!], nepotism is the norm and can't be gotten around... complaining publicly to any official body [which will also be staffed with relatives of the boss and/or reigning pols] will only give the victim a bad rep, leaving him with a big 'trouble-maker' sign hung 'round his neck... one more reason i'd rather be an amoeba than a human...
All of this is painfully true, Maia. Every word. My people are culturally inclined to work around any system put into place, nepotism is the norm, and gossip here may as well be oxygen for the way people treat it as a necessity of life.
ditto all of that, out here in the pacific islands... frustrating to the max, for anyone trying to help the people have a better-functioning life! btw, is same-gender marriage legal in PR?... as in can a couple actually 'marry' and be legally considered so, with all the same benefits as dual-gendered couples enjoy? in all the news talk about states that have changed their laws to allow it, i've never heard PR mentioned, though it's closer to a state than any other protectorates and such... being so majorly catholic [as are 'my' islands], thanks to the spanish acquisition, i'd be surprised if it was, but of course it should be, imo...
No. Not legally, and there would be no cultural predisposition for it to change any time soon. Heavy duty Latino machismo prevails.
Understood, but it is true, especially the part about gossip here. There is an aweful show called La Comay that is the #1 show in Puerto Rico which consists of this horrible guy defaming everyone and anyone he can get his hands on. He is such a duisgusting coward that he hides behind a life size puppet, which of course, in classic sexist style, has to be a gossipy women, even though he is a dude.
Does that puppet resemble stupid niece? Puppet is scary. I am sorry for William. With any luck he will be back into his old position soon...or even higher if his boss gets called on the carpet for hiring stupid people.
yuck!... feared as much... my best wishes to you and hubby, in re overcoming [or at least being able to ignore] same... extra hugs to you both, m