I learned not to read out of the young adult section when I was twelve. It's all rather bad. I myself find a good balance between what many of you I think would call bad literature (Warhammer 40,000 novels for one, a guilty pleasure of mine) and incredibly well-written, literary novels. For example, at the moment I'm reading the Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Before that? Legion by Dan Abnett (a 40k novel )
Great novel. It's probably his best. I especially love the way he mixes important philosophical issues into the story. Have you read any of his other stuff?
It wasn't Barnes and Noble's but I got my first few X-Wing books in a young adult section, and they are still some of my favorites! Of course I never see those books in Young Adult anymore. I guess 'cause of the Star Wars theme the store owners put it in that section, I can see why that store is no longer around lol So far all of my favorite works have been best selling authors, but those same authors have spewed out some real crap too. It doesn't matter what form of media you look at, you gotta wade through an ocean of crap to get to the good stuff.