1. Artifacs

    Artifacs Senior Member

    Sep 21, 2018
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    When you didn't know the answer of that question, but you answered it anymay...

    Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by Artifacs, Nov 20, 2018.

    ...and you probably realized later you should have just said IDK in the first place.

    The Moral: I learned that, in Miss Panama contest, the contestants are not given the answers beforehand.
    Context: Miss Panama Contest. The jury asks a contestant.
    Question: Who was Confucius?
    Answer: "He was a Chinese... Japanese man who invented confusion and... he was one of the most ancient one. Thank you."

    This video became viral. I'm totally on her side, I rather think she was brave.
  2. Artifacs

    Artifacs Senior Member

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Some real answers of real Spanish students (16 years old) during writing tests. Extracted from a real teacher compilation from the 70-80's

    Topic: Mammals
    Answer: We should take care of horses because they are mammals
    The Heart :It's a vital organ as long as we live.
    Celular Motion: Rotation and Translation.
    The Sun: Without the sun, there wouldn't be shadow to rest in.
    Marsupials: They live in dry soil like cammels and bears.
    Horses: They are useful to ride a horse.
    Nation: A cluster of people ruled by the Major and the Priest..
    Napoleon: His last battle was Watergate.
    Reproduction: Sexual and asexual. The first one occurs during marriage.
    Abstract Painting: It's when the painter paints an apple surrounded by things that has nothing to do with it.
    Minerals: There are two kinds: useful and hopeless.
    Volunteer Associations: To tell the thruth, they're very uncommunicated.
    Italian Painter: The Giggolo.
    Elements of the State: Solids, liquids and gas.
    Virtue: It should be practiced every now and then.
    Organized Social Units: The bars.
    Survival: Those who live more than usual.
    Artists: Some big artists, like Beethoven or Goya, were blind.
    Mammals: They use to have eyes in their heads.
    Aging: The worker who get's old can retire himself, but he can live the years he had left.
    Base Salary: It's the least money you can pay a man to get to work.
    Scorpions: They commit suicide for love.
    Earthquakes: Some have an intensity of six degrees below zero.
    Amino acid: They're living acids.
    Flowers: Flowers can be male, female and naked.
    Rome: Romans made races with two or four horses.
    Amphibiae: There are some kind of frogs that fancy breathing by his skin.
    Parts of an Insect: There are two: in-sect.
    Faith: It's what God give us to understand the priests.
    Vernacular Languages: Those are only spoken in taverns.
    Julius Cesar: He was a very republican king.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
    Cave Troll likes this.
  3. Hammer

    Hammer Moderator Staff Supporter Contributor

    Oct 28, 2018
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    I have some great examples of this:-

    Oh, no, hang on, I forget...
    Cave Troll and Artifacs like this.

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