  1. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Mina Anwar

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by fantasy girl, Nov 29, 2009.

    Hello. This is going to be a bit of a rant, so be warned.

    Some of you know about our school performance of The Wiz, some of you dont, well this is about that. It is a week before the first performance and Miss W. hired Mina Anwar, (profesional actor from The Thin Blue Line, and Sarah Jane Adventues) to help us with our acting, comic timing, and our solo singing.

    Okay, so wednesday we have stand down say at school, and Mina comes in to help us. She makes two of the main cast cry and every thing that we have put in the performance to make it our own, she changes, so the performance is now, A) not as funny, and B) no longer ours. According to her, we have to stick 100% to the script, so the little bits we have changed to make it easier on the actors, have now been changed back.

    Thursday lunch, Miss W. Mr N. and Mrs M. take the main cast into a room and tell us that it is our play, and that if we want Mina in on saturday, we can have her in, if not, we wont. We decide not to have her in, as none of us particularly like her and the teachers say this is okay, as the play is ours.

    Saturday morning, I get to school at half past 9 as the taechers asked me and my friends if we could help set up, we get there and find out Mina is going to be there, after what we said on thursday. Miss W. says in the morning, Mina is going to help the soloists with their songs, then in the afternoon, she will be with the chorus while either Mr N. or Miss M. are helping us with our singing.

    But instead of singing on saturday, I end up sitting down doing nothing all day. Mina comes over to us, to talk my firend over her scene, and I say, "Mina, Laura is meant to say shut up so scott, not the munchkins." and she says to me, "why don't you just shut up, and do what you're told for once, Bethany."

    Then, she goes to Tiff, who was up at 5 in the morning trying to put an ending to one of the dances, and changes every move. Now Tiff has put her hart and sole into this, making dances, then making more dances, and she comes running to me, with tears streaming down her face, then Kala comes out crying too. Thats four of the main cast she has made cry. Mina goes to Miss W. and tells her to send Jade home, because she was being gobby, but all she was doing, was saying what everyone else was thinking.

    She goes to Amy, one of the main cast and says "this is my play, now listen and do as I tell you, I'm the pro' here and I know what I'm doing, not you." Amy runs off crying and takes the total up to 5 of the main cast crying. If Mina had been here since the beginning like Laura was last year, saying it was her play might have been more acceptable, but she hasn't. She has been here for 2 days and is acting like she owns the place. She's a propper Pre-Madonna as well, if something doesn't go her way, or we don't listen to her, she stamps her feet like a child untill she gets it her way (litterally).

    I'll admit that what she has done with some of the solos is really good, but with the actuall scenes, its to late to be changing them now. we have a week before the first performance and it's taken us long enough to get it to the standerd it was, but now, all the year 7s and 8s are confused. They get shouted at when they ask what they need to do and none ofthem have any idea what there doing, when, anymore.

    Mina said she would watch the first act through and write notes. Then give us pointers on how to improve. In the first scene she stopped, rearranged a few people, this and that, how is that watching it through.

    After all this, I believe Miss W. has got her in tomorrow as well, if so I'm not going to rehersals, because I'm not going to sit around doing nothing while Mina rambles on about some celeberaty that uses certain meathods to do random things, when we have three rehersals left before the first performance and we still haven't run the whole thing through yet, and we have only rehersed the last act three times.

    Time is running out and we don't have enough of it to re-do scenes that were perfected before Mina came in, when we could be doing scenes that actually need help on.

    Mina is doing mine, and the rest fo the casts heads in, and I can't take it any more. I was almost in tears on saturday, she is an evil cow, and I hate her. And thats putting it nicely.

    Fantasy Girl xx
  2. apathykills

    apathykills New Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    now i'm not British and i have to admit i haven't the faintest about British celebrities but i did watch doctor who and correct me if i'm wrong but isn't she an actor for children?

    Personally i'd take my cell phone and record her doing the things she does and then I'll confront her when someone else is filming without her knowledge.

    Nothing hurts the star of a child's program more then screaming at children. (Well… except for the peewee Herman thing) Heck you might be able to sale it to the sun for profit if she's a big enough star.

    But then again I'm a vindictive son of a bitch (or so my mom keeps telling me)
  3. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    whew!... from what you say, this so-called pro is acting like a clueless wannabe and not helping anything but her own inflated image of herself... it's too bad your teacher hasn't gumption enough to get rid of the brat, but that's life as a kid, kid, when adults are in charge!

    just slog your way through, without making any waves and take this all as a good lesson for life... do your best, regardless and remember it's not fatal, just a temporary royal pain in the tush...

    love and consoling hugs, maia

    ps:... just saw the post ahead of me... do NOT record her!!!... aside from the fact that you could land in a heap of legal trouble, revenge is not going to do you any good and will only give her more publicity... keep in mind that she has high-paid spin doctors who will make YOU out to be the villain in the piece... m
  4. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    You'll find this in many people, not just celebs, who are used to everyone thinking about them and agreeing with them just to have a little bit of limelight. They almost always act like spoilt children and throw toys out of the pushchair.
  5. Gallowglass

    Gallowglass Contributor Contributor

    May 2, 2009
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    Loch na Seilg, Alba
    Professionals, eh?
  6. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    I went to rehersals today, and guess what, Mina was there again.

    Again, Tiff was in tears, and again I did nothing. We were ment to reherse mine and Amys' scene but oh no. I'm only in one scene so I'm not priority. Even though I have one of the hardest songs in the paly to sing, for some reason she always finds an excuse not to work with me.

    I hate her, and she's comming in on wednesday and saturday as well. UGH why can't she just leave us alone???

    Fantasy girl
  7. Gallowglass

    Gallowglass Contributor Contributor

    May 2, 2009
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    Loch na Seilg, Alba
    Mess it up and put it in the news - 'professional actor turns local school play into a disaster.'

    Or, at least, that's what I'd do ;)
  8. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Someone else has sujested that on another forum Gallow, I think it will just give her more publicisy... or not (vindictive smile)

    Fantasy Girl xx
  9. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    believe me, it will do her more good than harm and can harm you!... it's a fact of life that there are lots of stupid, bad, and downright evil people in the world... don't make yourself one of them, by stooping to their level...
  10. madhoca

    madhoca Contributor Contributor

    Dec 1, 2008
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    the shadow of the velvet fortress
    You know, Mina was a classically trained singer and actress and I guess she had some pretty tough talk handed to her over the years--at any rate, my sister (a former opera singer) did, and so did I when I studied ballet.

    I can't really excuse her, though, I must say. She should bear in mind who she is talking to and not be so overbearing. Although she certainly isn't a 'clueless wannabe' professionally, she obviously needs to brush up on people skills. But maybe she's one of these driven types that thinks that's how to get the best out of people.

    Those who CAN do, sometimes should ONLY do. It takes a different kind of skill to be an encouraging teacher.

    I hope the performance goes well!
  11. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Guess what guys, Mina has been stopped from coming on school premisis, but the bad thing is Miss W. is being put under investigation because a member of the cast has made a complaint. Someone on mine and the other cast members facebook has given Miss W. our status' and she is now in a big mood with me, 'cause of what someone else wrote on there.

    It's doing my bloody head in, I'm getting the blame for what other people have written, my teacher might get sacked 'cause of what people have said and I'm under so much preasure with my GCSE's at the moment.

    If Miss W. gets the sac, it'll be all my fault. I cant take this any more. I don't know what to do.

    Fantasy Girl xx
  12. madhoca

    madhoca Contributor Contributor

    Dec 1, 2008
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    the shadow of the velvet fortress
    Your teacher can't be sacked unless an official complaint is made through the correct channels, and then there has to be a tribunal to assess the complaint.
    So stop worrying about that, and go and find a peaceful place to study.
  13. Gallowglass

    Gallowglass Contributor Contributor

    May 2, 2009
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    Loch na Seilg, Alba
    Nice to know I'm not the only one who immediately thinks of taking advantage of the media ;)

    But mammamia has a point, I suppose, it would give her more publicity. Although there is such a thing as bad publicity, most people will probably see her causing problems with a school play irrelevant; it wouldn't have the required shock impact to really impact her public image.
  14. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    just what i said!... taking revenge, or going public with complaints about her could only do you all harm... and now, your teacher, too...

    as for what was on your webpage, you could have deleted any of that dissing and saved yourself a lot of trouble... even now, you can post a disavowal of it all in large letters and block the posters from posting any more...

    you can certainly tell any school officials that none of it was written by you and that you've taken steps to remove it... they can't blame you for what others wrote, unless you leave it there...
  15. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Thanks Mammamia. Things are setteling down now though. Rehersals are still stressing me out, even though Mina is no longer there, we're rushed off our feet, finishing scenary and polishing scenes.

    We're having a party on monday as Miss W. feels rotten about what has happened. It's going to be awesome, we're useing the lights from the show, the smoke machines and the DJ Decks that have just arrived. It's going to be a good night and it's a good way to relax before the shows.

    Thanks again for all the help you guys have given me. I love you for it. You have made me laugh when I thought it impossible, and I can usually count on you guys for it.

    Fantasy Girl xx
  16. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    glad it helped... have fun at the party, then go out there on opening night and 'break a leg!'...
  17. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Thanks Maia, love you all to bits. The partyis going to be awesome, and thans, I will 'break a leg' probably in a more litteral sence though, I'm prone to bad luck :p
  18. Shadow Dragon

    Shadow Dragon Contributor Contributor

    Jun 15, 2008
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    In the land of the gods
    Unfortunetly I'm coming in a bit late to the conversation, but I'm glad that this Mina woman is gone from your play. I would have suggested you talking to the others and agreeing not to do the play if she continued ruining it. Anyways, good luck.

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