just noticed that showing up when i put the cursor over the bars... what comes before and after 'intermediate' and how are those labels determined? for that matter, how/why are the green bars awarded?
Currently, the rep system has only just been plugged in. The little blurb that shows up when you hover over anyone's rep is still in its default setting, so right now it is meaningless. The rep system is tied to the like system for its source as of now, which sets everyone's power to give rep as equal. There are other dynamics that may or may not come into play. Daniel is still feeling out the variables.
I know that some of the wrinkles still need to be worked out, but in the meantime I'm happy to see the return of the green bars! I thought for sure they were gone forever.
The important thing to know is that it's still a work in progress. When it's finished, we'll all get to know exactly how it works.
Ok, I think that now, green bars are completely meaningless, Since we can 'Like' all we want, there are no restrictions, it's so easy to amass piles of green bars. To what end? They no longer represent a true reputation, which used to have to be given by a variety of members. It's just an ego trip, which I don't really care about either way, but what bothers me is that it looks ugly. I would like for the system to either go back to no green bars, or to limit a number of likes in the same way as reps used to be limited, or make it so that we need loads more Likes before bars increase. If we leave it this way, the entire forum will have three rows of green bars by next Tuesday and it'll be really annoying.
I do wonder, though, if there's some way to dissociate the "likes" from the green bars/reputation. To me, there is a difference between a post that I think should really add to someone's rep -- that is, it was particularly insightful, illuminating, or instructive, and it's a real addition to the site that many folks would benefit from reading, versus one that I just think, "yeah, I agree." (Especially if it's in The Lounge, or something that's not really about writing.) I realize this would mean having two concurrent systems for "likes" versus rep points.
I prefer 'likes' to the 'reps'. It's fine if people want to keep the reps or change the number of likes it takes to get green cubes. I prefer being able to tell someone they made me laugh or made a relevant point with a quick mouse click, and I've been giving likes to some new member introductions because I liked what they said and wanted them to feel welcomed. I didn't like the past system where I couldn't give someone a rep because it was "too soon". And while on the one hand, I agree, one doesn't want reps to collect so fast they are meaningless, when we switched over to points from the bars, I was surprised the correlations were so discrepant. I'm guessing it had to do with some member's 'reps' being worth more than other member's reps. My preference would be a more neutral value system.
I agree it's nice to just quickly "like" something, but I'd also like it if we could give rep, too. That's why I'd like both, if it's do-able.
I agree that the green bars have become meaningless, but putting a restriction on liking posts would defeat the purpose. What if the number of likes per green bar was increased to 30 likes per bar? OR we can keep the current ratio, have a max of 10 bars and simply change the color of the bars to represent more likes. So right now it's roughly 10 likes/bar. If a user gets 10 green bars, it gets converted into 1 purple bar. So 1 purple = 10 green = 100 likes and so on. At least there wouldn't be green tick-tacks all over the place.
To answer the original question, "Intermediate" was the out-of-the-box name/label for certain amounts of reps. There are a few others too, but they should all really be named. Any suggestions for a ladder of ten or so reputation labels/titles? I agree, and I think most people would. Right now I can limit the number of likes a person can give out each day. I could also completely disassociate likes from reps - however, that would probably result in everyone losing existing rep. It might be possible to add an additional feature like likes that gives only to rep. So say there's the Like button but there's also a Rep button. Alternatively, and this is what I'm currently planning on doing, reputation can be built on several different factors, including things like thread recreation, post size, liking posts, a thread getting stickied, time registered, and in the future integration for rep for adding a resource. Unfortunately, there isn't a perfect solution right now.
If you have thoughts on the above options let me know. I'll continue to tweak it and I'll make a post explaining the rep system once I've figured out the best way to proceed.
Maybe for the time being, disassociate Likes with reps and add a rep button. Sorry to be so nitpicky, you're doing an awesome job Daniel
So how do the points work or what are they for? Since new system came in I've had 114 points and amassed about 30 likes. Do X likes amount to X points and round up into X green bars?