1. montecarlo

    montecarlo Contributor Contributor

    Sep 29, 2020
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    America's Heartland

    Using testimonial blurb

    Discussion in 'Marketing' started by montecarlo, Mar 10, 2024.

    I know it's been a while since I posted. Family is growing and I've been getting my manuscript ready for the market. I had the good fortune to get the manuscript in front of a bestselling author. He loved the book and gave me a testimonial quote.

    I was also thinking about what I can do to build the coveted mailing list. And I had this thought: what if I purchase a few dozen of his books, and use facebook ads to target the author's fans to host a giveaway contest? I'd be able to build my mailing list and specifically towards people who would be more inclined to purchase based off of the testimonial quote.

    What's the reaction here? Specifically, what sort of communication should I be in with the author? Just do it, tell him I am doing it, ask him if it's okay, or ditch the idea entirely?
  2. pyroglyphian

    pyroglyphian Word Painter

    Sep 13, 2015
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    It’s an interesting idea. A couple of observations:

    The giveaway might attract people more interested in the prize than your work.

    If the testimonial is strong enough to drive purchases, why not just advertise directly with it? Why complicate with the giveaway?
    Catrin Lewis and Cave Troll like this.

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