it's automatically copyrighted as soon as you finish it... nothing more need be done... if/when it's published, the publisher will register the copyright for you... there's no need for you to do that yourself and in fact it's generally considered best not to... aside from costing money, it dates your work and if you've been trying to sell it for quite a while, that lets everyone know it... study up on copyright info here: for screenplays, play scripts, and song lyrics, registering and archiving the work with wga [wga west for film/tv scripts; wga east for all else] is pretty much the norm and expected in re screenplays...
Thanks......I dont live in the U.S.A. so does that make any difference and what if you publish it yourself as an ebook or other?
Most countries from which memebrs hail are signatory to the Berne Convention, so the laws of copyright don't vary much among these countries. Still, you should bookmark a link to the copyright authority for your country. Google will help you locate that authority.