I find writing around characters quite daunting at times because I cannot always be thinking ways of figuring the hero from the none and so on. so I thought why not write around concepts/idea and bring in the characters as the maker of that concept. meaning my characters will bring that concept alive instead. the idea is to think of a subject/topic/concept and bring it to life in a story . for example: BITTERSWEET is a concept that provokes/brings thoughts private to us and withing us. so I would introduce it as a character instead then I would conflict it with another concept say GRAVITY. and I would engage in writing up story around it. Bittersweet was always nearly late to getting her stories ready on time and Gravity was almost always looking out for new talents to recruit for his splendid nightely shows. they would meet in the garden cafe by the theatre house, once a day to discuss their incredibly complex ideas. Bittersweet was feeling less pleased with eveything today compared to yesterday. she was in need of a sweetened thought ,a dulce something. Gravity was slightely fussed because talent was girating in and out of his mind helplessly but slowly surely. decisions needed to be reached fastened and quick. what do you think of this opening line?
sorry to say, there are too many spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes for it to make much sense to me... i think you have a workable concept, but you need to do a lot of work on your writing skills, if you want others to be able to understand and enjoy what you write... what is your native language?
I think it's definitely an interesting/risky concept. With risks come pitfalls, however. I'd say just watch out for too literal of translations of the word when inventing the character. For example, the line, "she was in need of a sweetened thought ,a dulce something." read much too literally for me. Also, I agree with Mammamaia on this one; just focus on your prose and sentence structure to make your stories have that dramatic punch you want. All in all, a good idea I say run with it.
hi there thank you for your post. why is the following too literal? ''she was in need of a sweetened thought ,a dulce something''.
It's been done before. I don't remember where I first saw it, but I've been playing with it for a couple of years now, writing about inanimate objects and feelings as though they're people. Good for fun, good for some kinds of practice, but it's not really great for serious writing. Mostly it's just an experimental thing.
I mean writing seriously; writing for publication. Writing for a living. Writing because you're serious about furthering your ability to write. I didn't say "Serious Writing" like it's some special kind of term or phrase. I was using 'serious' as an adjective to refer to my noun, 'writing', in a way that denotes how I feel about it. You can't really write something using this "technique" and intend to be published. Again, it's more of an experimental thing when you're going for a certain style.
are you not willing to let us know what was your first language, cacian?... knowing can help us to help you, y'know... i work with mentees from all parts of the world, so am used to helping people overcome the problem of a major shift in syntax from one language to another... but it does help to know what language the writer is thinking in, or still being affected by... so we're not just being nosy...
I have already answered you in the other thread Ok here we go :French and Arabic are my first native languages. I also speak Spanish and of course English.
sorry, i hadn't seen your answer in 'that other thread' yet... that melange of a double first tongue plus two additional 'seconds' seems to explain the many glitches in your english grammar... if you hope to be published in english, i'm afraid you'll have to do a lot more studying/practicing of the basics, as well as work on your vocabulary...
I'm really not getting what this is about, or indeed any of Cacian's threads. I understand that English isn't your native language but that doesn't excuse the sheer mind boggling insanity.
insulting fellow members isn't allowed on the site, protar... please be polite and understand that while some posters' posts may be less than understandable, that doesn't excuse anyone from calling it 'insanity'...
It was just a bit of hyperbole. No offense meant and sorry for the overreaction. It's just I don't understand the idea at all, and it's not the first idea of yours I've seen which I don't understand. Nor am I the only one to have pointed it out. I'm sure they're very good ideas but a little clarification would be good is. Using gravity as a character? How does that work for instance?
of course not, you are totally entitled to react to think of it any way you wish..so it is not offensive at all. I use concepts to write stories in the same that Walt Disney uses cartoon characters of animals to make a story. we know that animals and cars and robots do not talk but we use them in films movies and make behave and think and talk like humans although we know they are not anywhere near or like us. My reaction when I first saw that I thought INSANITY!! how is that even possible to think that a cat or a car can talk and behave like me? and so your reaction to how ''can you use gravity as a characte'' is similar to my previous reaction? the answer I am only doing what others have done before me, only I am using concepts, to use as my characters. I can write story using garvity and antigravity for example to illustrate their meanings . I will make themcome alive and converse about what they are and bingo that is a lesson in a pocket done and dusted. I am thinking of kids learning at school for example. they can read the story, reinforce their literature skills read and understand what these concepts are at the same time. why not?
Well I sort of understand now. Thanks. However I do agree with crucifiction that it's probably unsuitable for serious writing and it's not really my cup of tea. My rule is that if you're making another creature or whatever act like a human, then it might as well be a human. For serious writing anyway. However if it helps you than good.