Dictionary - Definition of Immure - WEBSTER www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/Immure Base verb from the following inflections: immuring, immured, immures, immurer, immurers, immuringly and immuredly.[Eve - graph theoretic] Noun: 1. A wall; an … Why does it matter?
I looked it up in three dictionaries (oxford, merriam-websters and dictionary.com). Immuringly is not a word. The link provided returns a service unavailable page.
@DrWhozit It doesn't really lol I don't know how someone can say something immuringly... I mean, how does the act of speaking contribute to the enclosing and confining? I am just curious about what your intended meaning is.
It's a Tom Swifty. Immuringly might belie ones need to withdraw or block everyone out; to wall themselves up. Immuringly, she closed the drapes.
Don't you ever just pick up the dictionary to reaffirm the meaning of some word you know, yet want to assure proper usage, then some other one you didn't know stands out? I usually write it on a post-it and find some way to apply it. If I question the inflection and/or usage, I may Bing it. I believe that is termed "word grubbing."
Immure is a legitimate verb, and immuring is a valid present participle. However, immure is a transitive verb, so as an adverb it makes little, if any, sense. It's conjugating a word to destruction. One could call it conjugal masturbation -- but that also makes little sense.
@DrWhozit - I don't recall seeing the verb "immure" before. Your syntax notwithstanding, thank you for contributing to my vocabulary.
It's an obscure verb, to be sure, but a perfect distinction from inter (the verb), and a decent synonym for entomb. Unlike entomb, it need not necessarily imply a burial vault -- The Doctor was immured in the Pandorica for nearly two millennia.
I'm not buying YOU a bioloid kit for your wont either... "What is your pleasure?" said the Chinaman offering the ornate puzzle box.